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Hi, I've read that the most accurate time to ...

Amand94started grow question 3 years ago
Hi, I've read that the most accurate time to harvest is the color of the Trichomes. Do you know anything about that? thanks for the reply
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Kolibrianswered grow question 3 years ago
Der Erntezeitpunkt und die Farbe der Trichome, solltest Du nach Deinen Vorlieben wählen. Erntest Du zu früh, verschwendest Du Potenzial und hast wenig bis keine Wirkung, zu spät sieht es ähnlich aus; wobei man ein höheres Gewicht erzielt. Die Trichome durchlaufen vier Stadien: Klar, milchig, bernsteinfarben und grau. Klare Trichome sind -für mich- ein Zeichen das es zu früh ist und die Blüten noch nicht ihr volles Potential erreicht haben. In diesem Zustand ist die THC Produktion am höchsten, also bedeutet jeder weitere Tag eine höhere Konzentration. Jetzt haben sie ein klares zerebrales High, da kaum CBD etc. vorhanden ist. Milchige Trichome sind auf dem Maximum ihrer Kapazität und manchmal ernte ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Die Blüten sind ausgereift und haben fast ihre Höchstmasse erreicht. Das High ist energetisch und klar. Bernsteinfarbene Trichome, bedeuten das das THC zerfällt und in CBD, CBG etc umgewandelt wird. Die Masse der Blüten ist jetzt auf dem Höchststand und man muss genau aufpassen nicht zu lange zu warten. Das High ist angenehm, der Genuß führt zu einem kräftigen Stoned. Die perfekte Wahl für einen Couch-Lock oder zum Schlafen. Die Trichome sind grau, wenn alle die hübschen Inhaltsstoffe auf die wir scharf sind degenerieren. Geschmack und Wirkung nehmen jeden Tag ab und die Blüten sterben. Fazit: Milchige Trichome und ein paar bernsteinfarbene, werden Dich glücklich machen und Du weiß das Du das Beste aus Deiner Pflanze herausgeholt hast. 65% milchig, 35% Bernstein ist ein guter Mittelweg. Viel Glück
Selected By The Grower
Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 3 years ago
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Oof. I’d highly recommend doing google research on this yourself, spend at least 15-20 min doing some reading from what looks like reputable sources - rather than going from this smorgasbord of information.
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Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Most people will say yes to the trichome colour theory, that is, to harvest at between 10 and 30% amber trichomes, but I disagree with this theory as not all plants get amber trichomes and others will have 80-100% amber trichomes from the forth week onwards. I suggest harvesting according to pistil colour, as pistil colour is a direct link to plant condition/health and it is plant condition/health that determines trichome chemical composition. Harvesting when there are about 95-98% brown pistils will give you flowers with peak THC and peak terpene levels too, giving you a mind bending head trip effect. Harvesting when there are 98-100% brown pistils will give you flowers with declining THC levels and rising CBD and CBN levels, giving you a more body type of stone or "couch lock" effect. Coincidently, 95-98% brown pistils usually results in there being 10-20% amber trichomes on most plants and 98-100% brown pistils will coincide with about 20-30% amber trichomes on most plants. This is why the pistil colour method is reliable and I must say, the easiest way of determining harvest timing. It is certainly the best indicator of plant health and it is plant health that determines trichome cannabinoid composition, not trichome colour on its own. Let your preferred type of effect guide your harvest timing! I have been using this "pistil colour method" for 35+ years and swear by its results. Besides, I am yet to meet anyone who can pick the difference between 20% and 30% amber without looking at the plants! Hope this helps, Organoman.
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 years ago
Full internet of answers even if you put your question straight into Google search ... Good luck in harvesting and enjoy smoking !
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GrowCNanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yes, that is the most common method. Keep in mind that EVERY plant and strain is different. Clear is not yet ripe, cloudy is ripe, amber is over ripe/declining. I use a 60x hand held microscope (about CAD) that I found on Amazon. There are also digital ones with their own screen or you can pair with you phone. I prefer the simplicity of just putting the microscope to my eye and looking versus keeping a battery charged and my phone's Bluetooth turned on. Since the trichomes don't all change at the same rate I use a little judgement to pick the harvest time. If I've got few clears and mostly cloudy I'll harvest. Usually though I see more clears than I want and will wait until I have 10-30% ambers and fewer clear trichomes. The more ambers the more couch lock, relaxing the high. The more cloudy trichomes the more uplifting and happy the high.
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m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
You want to aim for around 10-30% amber. the rest cloudy. I like it lower closer to 10% amber, rest cloudy. Clear is under ripe. Visual reference point for yea. Good Luck!
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