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4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 7
weeks 7-11
weeks 7-11
weeks 8, 11-13, 15
Ocean Forest
Grow medium
Happy Frog
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Dolomite Lime
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
0.45 L
4 years ago
5 pack Crop King Seeds Crown Royale. All 5 germinated. Keeping only strongest 4. 24 hrs in dechlorinated tap water then straight into 500ml pots under dome. Removed dome after 3-5 days when all seeds had sprouted. My soil mix is as indicated throughout entire grow. Will water when dry and top dress with Gaia Green every 3-4 weeks after last up pot.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
60 %
18 °C
18 °C
20 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Watering when dry 100-150ml of dechlorinated tap water. 2gal humidifier in tent set at 65%. I didn’t start taking pictures until week 3 after transplant.
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
60 %
18 °C
18 °C
20 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Looks like 3 with good growth, 1 ok growth, and 1 runt. Watering when dry 100-150ml of dechlorinated tap water. Running tap water entire grow and not bothering with ph.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
60 %
18 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Mid week 3, up pot from 500ml pots to final 5 gal fabric pot. Transplanted the 2 smaller plants to give them more time to see how they develop. Some leaf fade can be seen in more natural light. Sometimes you just got to fit in the work when you can.
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
56 %
18 °C
18 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Haven’t been able to keep track and up to date. I’ve been recovering from surgery. But managed to keep grow going and here’s what going on. Topped #1, 2, and 3, the strongest growing, a total of 3 times for a 8 top manifold. I overwatered during the transplant and recovery phase causing all kinds of issues that corrected themselves over time with the soil drying out. They seem to be growing good again. I moved them over to the 4x4 and are now under Mars Hydro tsw2000 and Kind LED 450 with a 65w from the wall UFO Grow Star. A total of 660w from the wall of mixed LED power. Gonna top dress within the next week and hopefully flip to flower if all lights are green to go:) Update...slow growing #4 is now taking off. Hopefully I can hold her back a bit to let the others catch up:) Not to much of a height difference at the moment. I’ll keep pulling them down just don’t want her to get too wide. Going for just tops on her as well
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 13.209 mll
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 1.321 mll
Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Power Bloom 2.642 mll
Every couple days I’ll readjust the canopy pulling branches down. I defoliated #4 a bit underneath, basically anything touching the ground or close to it, being completely shadowed kind of thing. Had one blade on one leaf on #4 go necrosis, but that’s it? Couple tiny spots here and there if you look hard enough but nothing that progressed over the week, whatever the cause has been corrected for now:) Topped dress with Gaia Green All Purpose and Power Bloom, EWC, and a bit of fresh soil. Gonna flip in a few days if all looks good. Took the runt out and giving to a friend soon:)
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
30.48 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Flipped these ladies to 12/12. This party is about to get started. Left a bit of room between the manifolded girls to hopefully grow some colas and let that light through to hit each entire branch. They all seem to look healthy so far and I’ll top dress with Gaia Green Power Bloom in a couple weeks during week 2 flower, just in time for when they should start packin at week 3. Lights are still at 30” and I’ll now stop adjusting tops (unless for a racer) and allow plants to grow freely to about 24” canopy to light and adjust then if necessary. Happy growing!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
Ocean Forest Potting Soil - Fox Farm
Ocean Forest Potting Soil 26.417 mll
Worm Castings - Gaia Green
Worm Castings 26.417 mll
Fail #1 of grow followed up right away with fail #2. Decided to order a Mars Hydro TS 600 to go along side my TSW 2000 to ensure I had even and full coverage over the entire canopy…great! But while I was plugging the new light into the timer the overhang of the timer was making contact with the surge protector on/off switch turning the lights on and off 3 times very quickly with only a second in between. That caused a pod of LED’s in my 8 pod KIND grow light to fail. Now I have 2 not fully functional KIND K3 450 grow lights. Plan is to now replace all lights with newer Mars TS series lights. That’s not all…to eliminate the lights from continuing to turn on/off while installing the new light I plugged one in directly to fix the problem and move the timer over. When done I forget to reinstall that light back into the timer resulting in it being left on during the dark period for an extended 3.5 hrs. When I entered the room in the morning I realized what I had done:( It was Friday night and I was in a rush and didn’t double check. Dumb dumb lol. I will probably leave the old light until this grow is over unless I lose another pod of LED’s. Got the new lights on order just in case. Otherwise the ladies look healthy and are growing good. Gonna get in there and clean up underneath and prune any growth tips that didn’t make it through or that are crowding one another. Leaving all leaves unless near soil or blocking buds sites mid to lower canopy. These pics are at beginning of W2F. I will update tonight with beginning W3F. Grow on!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
20 °C
21 °C
23 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
Worm Castings - Gaia Green
Worm Castings 105.669 mll
Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Power Bloom 26.417 mll
It’s warming up outside so the a/c and dehumidifier are working a bit. Got the lights on during the night so just a few hours at lights on they work a bit hard. Cleaned up underneath removing any sucker shoots and leaf that was near the soil. Not much really. Mostly on #3 as I didn’t train out the branches as much and she grew tighter together, so I removed mostly all inner growth blocking light and that allowed a lot more penetration and flow. Left a few leaves below to die off naturally…more the better. Gonna put some Grub Grenades in the pots with some yellow sticky cards. Not because I see anything, just being cautious. I do see what looks like Springtails but don’t seem to be an issue yet. Still looking green and healthy so I’m happy! Grow on! Update Made a few adjustments. I let the tops grow into the tsw2000, 18” to tops. I didn’t like how they looked so I raised it back to 24” where I’ll keep it. The “Kind LED” I know from previous grows that it can’t get closer then 24”. But this is my first run with “Mars” so I’m still figuring out the distance for my setup with additional overlapping light intensity from other lights. With that being said another pod failed so I’m down 2-Kind LED’s now. Gonna remove all old tech and use all newer TS series lighting. All Mars moving forward. Seems to be a great light and when compared to other quality lights you can’t beat the price!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
OrganicPowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
I’m always so cautious about growth and leaf removal. I always leave to much to late into flower and then get scared to remove it after. Would it be wise to start removing now end of week 4 beginning of week 5? Or should I leave the smaller struggling growth and larger leaves?
Techniques. Defoliation
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I wouldn't be removing any leaves until later in flowering. Tuck and fold down and in if you want more light to get through. Even a small elastic around the points of the big leaves then push down to let light through. The last 2 to 3 weeks of flower is when I start removing leaves but I usually take ones that are ready to come off. They snap away very easily.... Cheers
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
23 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Temps and humidity are getting up there and harder to control. Equipment is working harder to keep cool. Heatwave forecasted for next week:( Got old lights switched out for new Mars TS series:) Ladies might need to be watered everyday soon as they are taking a lot more every other day. Don’t want them to dry out to much. Added some mulch to help with the top layer from drying right out between waterings. Want to keep the top alive and not die off as the sides of the pot also dry up and really only the centre stays healthy between waterings. That’s why I have now decided in future grows that I’ll being going with large pots, like 30-45 gallon and fewer plants, maybe 1-2 and grow longer for bigger roots!
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
60 %
22 °C
22 °C
24 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Heatwave is here:( Equipment is struggling. Hard to watch over grow room constantly. Surge protector tripping out as the equipment never cools down or has a break. A/C and dehumidifier running 24 hrs. Plus I had to hook up another a/c unit for the family. Got to keep them cool at night too. I’d feel bad if my ladies were cooler then my girls 😜 Got new lights but they were to intense even at the recommended distance. Just had to much light and to much overlapping made it to intense. I took out the 2 smaller 600’s and now just have the 2-2000’s in there but with the heatwave I had to dim them to 50% and now 25% incase I don’t get home in time from work and not able to open tent all the way as equipment is not doing the job in this heat:( also if the circuit trips out again then I don’t want the temps to sky rocket. Last few times it trip temps and humidity increased to 86F and 65% RH, mind you I corrected it within the hour of it happening each time, so not to bad and that’s at the top of the canopy and lower into it didn’t quite get that high as on the floor it only raised to 82F. And for my troubles I see what I believe is the start of burnt leaves:( I should have known better as the top growth seemed to be a bit lighter and stretchy:( I’ll have these lights better dialled in for next time! Grow on!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
OrganicPowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
The guy that cleaned the gutters said he’d be using biodegradable cleaner.He sprayed bleach all over the roof to remove the moss WTF.And then the fumes got sucked into the house through my lung room and straight through the tent across my poor ladies.During dark period. Any harm?
Other. General questions
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Chucky324answered grow question 4 years ago
Hello. Can you still smell it or did the smell dissipate. If you can't smell it any more than don't worry about it. If you can still smell it. Nothing was sprayed on your plants. The only thing that could have gotten on your plant is micro spray. It the micro spray that you smelled. When I clean with bleach I can smell it for about 1/2 an hour and it doesn't affect the plants in the next room. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Chuck.
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
66.04 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
20 °C
22 °C
20 °C
19 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Week 07 and the heat wave is behind us. Didn’t update last week but not much to report. Some serious damage was a result of the heat, causing the lights and everything else to become too much for the girls. #2 took it the best and is still growing nicely packing on weight and some serious frost! Finishing much faster then the others. I might re veg her the smell is so nice. The two larger #1 & 4 have been hungry forever awhile and I never applied anymore Gaia:(
Used techniques


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OrganicPowercommentedweek 114 years ago
My 2nd “Kind K3 450 LED” has started failing:( I’ve had good results with them in the past. Nice frosty hard buds! But I can’t get them repaired locally so I’m upgrading to all Mars Hydro TS series lighting, long past due anyways! But doing it 3 weeks into flower 😧 There is TS lighting in there now so they shouldn’t mind to much?
OrganicPowercommentedweek 134 years ago
Mars Hydro TS series LED’s pack a punch to say the least! Great lights, I just put too many in my space lol. I’ll just put the 2-600’s in the 2x4 keep the 2-2000’s in the 4x4 and keep them a safe distance as they’re still overlapping and very intense!
OrganicPowercommentedweek 134 years ago
It’s official…I’ve light burned two ladies that I can tell, and I’m sure that heatwave and hot temps up to 86F didn’t help:( my bad. Just going to keep truckin forward but they are going to start to look like shit. I’ll get these lights figured out for my next run!
cropdustercommentedweek 14 years ago
Very nice set up, super jealous :). The girls look amazing too. Keep the pedal to the metal brother.
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@cropduster, thank you much:)
Lacrimacommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Lacrima, Thanks, you as well!
Professor_Chaoscommentedweek 114 years ago
Lookin good, growmie! Gorgeous garden! Wish I could get ahold of some Gaia Green! Your ladies are looking super happy and healthy! Congrats on the upgrade to Mars Hydro.. They are pretty good lights! I've had good results. Had 2 crap out after a year of using.. But they aren't bad. Your garden is lookin awesome! Happy growing!
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, I’ve never grown in coco and have no experience to speak of. But I’ve also heard that 7 gallon pots are good and can hold more nutrients (Gaia if you like but you can mix your own Gaia using individual inputs) to break down right off the hop. I was going to use 7 gallon pots on this grow but had 5’s on hand and used them, wishing now I didn’t. Next run I’m just going with huge pot(s). Because if you go big then it’s easier to achieve a living soil and more of it. In smaller pots then the sides dry up, and top if left un mulched between waterings. Then you are left with just a tiny area of actual living soil. If your soil is healthy then you shouldn’t even need AACTeas. This is my first organic grow with no teas and won’t use any if my plants maintain good health, see how it goes. You shouldn’t have to create microbes through tea, they should already be in the soil and should multiple if they already have a good source of bacteria in the soil (EWC), and I believe top dressing EWC will serve the same benefit as a AACT. But I’m confident in larger pots and “no till” that teas won’t be required. From my understanding is that you can’t overdue it as you are feeding the soil and the soil feeds the plant, as long as the soil isn’t too hot you shouldn’t have a problem. Microbes break down the nutrients and the plant takes what it need to flourish. And yes EWC in the mix and top dressed, which add good bacteria for microbial growth and living soil. EWC have all kinds of good stuff in it including calcium, along with the dolomite lime I put in the mix as well, which helps stabilize the pH around 7. I don’t pH my water anymore because it has nothing in it and comes out the tap with a pH of 7-7.2 and the microbial life puts the pH right where it needs to be for the plants to suck up the nutrients as required. I just aerate for 24hrs. I was fighting pH and gave up adjusting it because just a grain of organic pH down would drop it way low and if the soil has everything required then the microbes can easily swing the pH to optimal levels. Your soil could have all it needs but not available if you don’t have good microbial life to break it down to make it available, that’s where the EWC come into play. Now again I’m no pro and learning everyday and this is just how I understand my research on the subject! I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog because it has all the same inputs that is in Gaia Green dry amendments and Gaia Living Soil. It’s easy I guess is why I use Fox Farms but regardless I’ll be reusing it and re amending it for my next “no till” run. Sounds like you pulled off that hydro to coco run even though it was stressful…nice work! I’ve only tried hydro when I first started thinking no problem…I was mistaken and it was a problem. I completed the grow but results were not great. Then I tried synthetic nutrients in pro mix with decent results but felt that pH’ing and my water was a battle but wasn’t educated enough and always ran into calcium and magnesium issues. I eventually figured it out but just found soil easier for me and went that way. Requires less time. Don’t get me wrong I not afraid of work I just want to give my family more time then my plants. Another long post…sometimes I get carried away lol 😆
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@OrganicPower, Yeah I really wanna try organic in coco.. A bigger pot is better to have from what I heard when I was just about to attempt my first organic.. They even said 5 gallon pots are kinda on the smaller side but will work.. But 7+ gallons is where its at.. I haven't gotten into much about "no till".. I really wanna try hydro too.. See which is easier for me to maintain but still get tasty, quality flower.. Coco with synthetic nutes is just easier for me at the moment.. And my past hydro attempts, I couldn't get to harvest without the pH doing something weird and making my plants look hideous.. I ended up just putting them in coco/perlite just to get them to finish.. Awful experience and thats what scares me about trying anything new.. Maybe when I got enough bud stocked up to where I can play around a couple times and not run out.. Do you pH you water? I think I read when you use EWC that it will correct the pH automatically at the rootzone as long as you are in an acceptable range
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, my water comes from the local water shed underground spring. People travel here to fill up on water it’s so good. I drink it right from the tap🤪 Mr Canuk lol, I’m not him but I love watching his 30 min videos lol. His buds turn out so yummy looking 🤤 especially his Square One Genetics grows! I can see how it looks and when I started watching his videos I noticed the same thing and was thinking he’s got to be near by me lol with all the same gear. I struggled for years using bottle nutrients, ph, calcium & magnesium issues due to my water, and just didn’t have the time between work and family to keep it all dialed in. Once I seen Mr Canuk and his grows with easy to use Gaia Green I figured that his method was for me and once I tried it I haven’t looked backed. And now after intense research and the thought of only using organic amendments makes me feel better about the end product and results! I also quickly realized I had to much light with all the TS lighting I had going so I took out the 2 smaller 600’s and just got the 2-2000’s in the flower tent. Now with the heat wave peaking I’ve had to turn down the lights to 50%, and now today at 25% incase I’m not home from work in time. The a/c blew the surge protector it was plugged into yesterday and even with the tent wide open the temps still climbed to 86f 😧 Not for long as I was home and was checking frequently. I’ve seen Mr Canuk grow in coco and 3 gallon pots even but typically I think he uses 5 gallon, and seen him use both hard and fabric. I like fabric and at the beginning of the grow I have gone 10+ days between waterings. But I think as the plant gets older and drink more water, they drink so much that I don’t think the material of the pot will make a difference on how fast they dry up. I now have to water everyday with the heatwave and them packing on weight. Now with a few grows using Gaia I was thinking 7-10 gallon but now have decided to go large like 30-45 gallon and “no till” method of growing still using Gaia. I feel larger pots will be better to achieve a living soil and water less frequently, and reusing the soil. Also top mulch I’ve found now helps with the top of the soil from drying out also helping with fungal growth. I feel if I got good microbial life, bacteria, fungal, that a guy shouldn’t even need to brew teas. I mix in soil and top dress with a lot of EWC! I’m still learning but that’s how I am understanding. I love the grow room glow…makes me happy!
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GMSgrowscommentedweek 114 years ago
Looking good in there. Had to turn my dehumidifier today as well. More energy consumption...yay... lol
GMSgrowscommented4 years ago
@OrganicPower, thnx my friend. You as well....
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@GMSgrows, thank you! You have some outstanding grows!
GMSgrowscommented4 years ago
@OrganicPower, Good grows deserve praise....Cheers
Show More (1)
Professor_Chaoscommentedweek 134 years ago
Looking great! 👍👍👍 such an awesome setup.. Plants are happy and healthy! Gorgeous garden growmie!
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, thank you! You as well, and you grow some beautiful looking buds! Hope mine turn out as nice!
Growin_itcommentedweek 114 years ago
Nice grow set up, there. Looking great!
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Growin_it, Thank you! I’ve been able to give this grow a bit more time:)
Ner0zcommentedweek 104 years ago
Those are some happy looking gals. Goodluck with the rest of the grow!
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Ner0z, so far so good, thank you!
weed__meecommentedweek 94 years ago
I wish you a great growth 😊🍀🌱🌷
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@weed__mee, gonna try my best and give them all I can, thank you!
spydercommentedweek 34 years ago
lookin' good,,,good luck with the grow,,,enjoy.
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@spyder, Thank you! 🤞
Cannabeast40commentedweek 34 years ago
Happy growing & good luck🙏😊
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@Cannabeast40, thank you much! 🙏
GreenAutoConsumocommentedweek 152 years ago
Nice work
OrganicPowercommented2 years ago
@GreenAutoConsumo, thanks for the view!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 154 years ago
Beautifull Crown Royale!
OrganicPowercommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, thank you!
HAPPYWEEDScommentedweek 152 years ago
Good fatties! 😍 Wish you the best of lucks on your garden my friend 💚
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