I'm wondering if you've tested the PH level of your rain water... I'm growing outside in pots for the first time and thought that I would welcome the rain... but I tested some rainwater and found it to be 7.5 which is MUCH too high for cannabis... so now every time rain is predicted, I move the plants under the roof on my deck. This COULD be your problem... It's not a nitrogen deficiency as the older leaves would be the ones to be affected first... I'm thinking the plants need more phosphorus or potassium... which is ALL dependent on PH levels since your bloom nutes provide sufficient levels of these micronutrients... so make sure the PH of whatever they get is between 6.2 and 7.0 ... (potassium can be absorbed if the PH is 6.0 but phosphorus needs a minimum PH level of 6.2 - neither one will be absorbed by your plant if the PH is over 7).
Good luck! Nice looking grow!