
I am just wondering how do I tell if I’m giving ...

blackliststarted grow question 5 years ago
I am just wondering how do I tell if I’m giving my plants too much or too little chemicals and what kind of watering schedule can I get them on
Week 1
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GrowsGanjaGuyanswered grow question 5 years ago
@blacklist hey man there is plenty of ways to tell if you are giving your plants too much or to little nutrients. Deficiencies and toxicity of certain nutrients such as nitrogen, calcium, or phosphorous are common issues along with others but learning how to spot them is the best way to go in terms of feeding. Feeding schedules don't compensate for every stains preference. Just learn the ins and outs of nutrient issues in ganja gardens and you will get great results. I'm still trying to learn there is alot. Goodluck brother👍🏼
Wilmaponicsanswered grow question 5 years ago
The basic way to tell if ur feed is to high is watch for burning on the leaf tips. Keep a eye on new growth for to much feed and genuinely if ur under feeding the leafs will yellow and wilt from the bottom up. As for watering I go by weight of the pots. Once they fill light will give a good soak and leave to dry out again. fabric pots help u from over watering as they will dry out quickly. If u want a feed chart to follow, I'd recommend the one for ur feed brand, every brand has different ec/ppm levels and schedules. And don't forget pH, nutrients can only been used by the plant in the right pH range.
BlackCousinanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello blacklist, your girls are looking great. I red your question and i got you. Here is the link to the feeding chart with all information in one view. Hope that this was an helpfull answer my friend. Keep on growing, Peace 😎👍🏾
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello, if you have a fan in your space i expect you will need to water every 2-3 days, no fan perhaps every 5, but check the top of soil for dryness. I also use fox farm and personally don't give any in the first 3 weeks of fresh soil, but if you do keep it at like 1/4 strength. If you go to fox farms website they have feeding schedule for soil, coco etc. But i also like to add a calmag supplement on top of their "trio" ... i had lots of leaf color problems solved by adding calmag and making sure my ph was correct. Happy growing ✌️
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Astroboyanswered grow question 5 years ago
First off no need for chemical(or nutrient) at this point you have enought nutrient in the dirt for this stage but how u no the planthas too much nutrient you.will have nutrient burn witch will appear at the tips if the leafs. The tips.of.leaf will be yellow n like.a burn then u lower nutrient at this point never want to stress the plant but we all do
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 5 years ago
@blacklist Take notice of your plants leaves as they will show you the level of their healthiness via the colour and even the texture Yellowing is often a sign of nitrogen or magnesium deficiency but in extreme cases it could also be an iron deficiency etc This is why you should look up and download one of the many nutrient deficiency and leaf problems charts online. They will explain With pictures what each potential issue could be and most importantly how to rectify the problem . Hope this has been of help to you
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MrMunchiesanswered grow question 5 years ago
While you don't want your plants to dry out, overwatering can be a problem. As for nutrients it is best to go easy with nutrients in the earlier stages of growth and gradually increasing strength as the plant grows. A rough guide I go with to water volume is whatever size pot you have, give double that amount of water once a day. With the nutrients follow the directions on the packet but in the first 2 weeks use quarter dose, then half dose for two weeks then the full recommended dose after that.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 5 years ago
Indoor Growing is tricky especially the watering regime. Its, in my opinion the hardest Part. Same to the feeding. here i go with less is more. There are a few lessons your plant will teach during the next weeks. i would recommend you a good helping Site ( GWE) or very oldchool a Book. about MJ growing. Its really a lot to learn each part f your grow has to work together( lights , temperature/ humidity) airflow, water feedings... etc etc etc...... so just one thing it may sound stupid but in waterings and feeding just go with less is more.
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Master_weedaanswered grow question 5 years ago
Each nutrient has its own fertilizer chart You should be able to download it on Google. When it comes to watering, you just have to weigh your pot before you watered the weight and then weigh your pots regularly and when you judge the weight similar to the one you have memorized water again. For the amount of water to put is the equivalent of 1 quarter of the capacity of your pot (For a pot of 10 liters 2.5 liters of water The ph of your water should be 6.2 A can close May the strength be with you 💪
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