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I may have over watered or it could be nutrient lo...

Kwczekusstarted grow question 2 years ago
I may have over watered or it could be nutrient lockout. I only feed them every 10days to 2wks. I was switching them over from 1 fert to bloom fert by mixing 1 tsp of ea into 1 gal water but I did it 2x in a row. BEST WAY TO FIX THIS ???
Week 13
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Both those fertilizers are NOT SUITABLE at all for cannabis. For growth you want something around 6-2-4 and for flowering something around 4-4-6 for general feeding, supplemented with some cal/mag and a P/K booster for flowering. I would say your plants are suffering from toxicity due to a nutrient salt build up in the substrate. Plain water for a week then resume feeding with proper cannabis friendly nutrients would be my suggestion. The older damaged leaves will not recover, but this should help prevent things getting much worse, although generallly, what is ahowing now in the leaves, is a reflection of what was happening in the soil two weeks ago, so things will probably get worse before they start to improve unfortunately. But getting the correct type of fertilizers for cannabis growing should be your first priority.
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Ctrellis90answered grow question 2 years ago
So that isn't nutrient lock out. I want to stress that get a better nutrient line for your plants. Something more gentle and easier to mix at lower ratios because that stuff is...I'm not sure. The best way to fix an overfeeding is to just water your plants thoroughly for the next week or two careful not to drown them. Although your plants needed more nutrients to begin with so I would just see how they respond. They have a lot of old damage on them so it's kind of difficult to tell if she's getting better or worse. Also the white soap scum looking stuff in your leaves? Try whipping it off with a wet cloth. Just curious. Hope this helps.
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
ora posso capire meglio... "Durante la fase vegetativa, la cannabis richiede un rapporto NPK di 3:1:1. Tuttavia, ciò non significa necessariamente che tu debba nutrirla con un fertilizzante con quel rapporto." cit. diciamo che il 20-20-20 è un po' troppo per la nostra pianta per andare bene dovrebbe essere un 60-20-20 circa "Un rapporto NPK altamente efficace per inizio-metà fioritura è 1:3:2, seguito da 0:3:3 per il restante periodo di fioritura. " tu hai un 9/58/8 idem come sopra nel tuo caso andrebbe bene un 9-27-18 x poi passare ad un 0-27-27 questi dati sono con le proporzioni giuste calcolate con quel tipo di fertilizzanti ricorda una cosa un eccesso di un fertilizzante puo' portare una carenza conseguente " Un’intossicazione da fosforo si verifica invece quando le piante di cannabis ne ricevono in eccesso, ed è spesso causata da coltivatori inesperti che somministrano troppi fertilizzanti alle loro piante durante la fioritura. Se esposte ad un eccesso di fosforo, le piante di cannabis subiranno bruciature da fertilizzanti, caratterizzate da questi sintomi: Foglie dall’aspetto bruciato ed a volte con macchie Nervature fogliari ingiallite Punte o bordi delle foglie arricciati" cit spero che ti sia utile perche per cercare tutto ci ho messo mezzora 💪
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