Has anyone thought of taking a month off so that GD could fix the problems? We should just take July off so they have room to work. Then, if we can't send a simple image url to a friend without a 7h ban after that time, we can take august off too. Rinse and repeat
I have no idea what your talking about but it looks to be overwatering it causing lockout and or deficiencies in calcium and magnesium and maybe phosphorous... also potASSium.
I had been thinking of doing something like that. Diaries have become impossible to update properly, I go to all the trouble of uploading pictures only to find them missing. Still no communication from the GD team as to what's going on.
If it helped solve problems it's a no brainier, it's ashame because the community could be so much better with minimal effort, I wish websites were my "thing" I would donate the time and effort to help. 🤷