if daily irrigations are a problem for you, go a bit bigger. 3 gallon is fine for autoflower in a soilless context, but toward end you will almost certainly need to fertigate every single day. Whereas in a 5gal you might be able to do every other day near end.
larger pot does introduce issues earlay on, if yo don't transplant. Small plant, large pot is less than optimal. In order to avoid teh entire pot being wet for 2 weeks or more at the start, lol, you have to water a small column around the plant.. but make sure the irrigation gets all the way down to teh bottom of the pot. you want roots growing down, not up... and getting it wet all the way down is key for that to happen.
as it drinks faster, you can water entire pot. I know people are freaked out by transplanting an autoflower, but it is super easy to avoid transplant shock with a healthy plant and good methods. i'd start in a 1gal and then move to 3 or 5 gal, but that's just me. I've yet to cause transplant shock in nearing 5 years and 175-200 plants give or take.
ahh... one did, but i got a rooted clone from a large swap and it was infested with all sorts of shit. i had to fully remove the existing substrate and re-plant it... that plant did experience some shock, lol, for obvious reasons.
don't disturb rootball and all goes well. do it within 24h of an irrigation and the substrate holds together better.. if too dry it can more easily crumble as you handle it and that will disturb the rootball.
7030 cooc -- fertigate every irrigation with 10% runoff waste. send it down drain or toss outside. not for potted plants. 1.3-1.5EC well-balanced concentration is all you need. slowly adjust formula based on observing plant. Soilless is absolutely the easy button to high-quality results.