The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Q1: My Dinamed CBD Plus is showing yellowing veins...

perilouspstarted grow question 5 years ago
Q1: My Dinamed CBD Plus is showing yellowing veins -> inner leaves. More so of lower leaves. See images and descriptions. Main soil recipe is in the description in week 1. Q2: Does the Amnesia look overwatered? Or some other issue? Help!
Week 14
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Budofprayanswered grow question 5 years ago
@perilousp hi dude sry to come a bit late.... to my point of view you're curled leaves are just the direct consequences of a burn wind...u said that your weather is hot really hot...with lilte humidity...i can also see on some pics that you are in a large place open to wind... right ? and if ur temps are really hot you dont even need a big wind..... just a litle hot but continuous breeze can do that ! here is a link can see on the last 3 photos that it can affect the color of leaves... cause the leaves normal processes are s not an iron or mag deficiencies at first 😒 @ Gray_Wolf @Fruitgrower hey guys ! i know you want to help or may be win the GoM 😏....but plse 🙏 if you want to help, keep in mind that the first important thing is a correct analyse of the not always also evident that you seems to think....👍 keep also in mind that if a bad diagnosis is done it could be worst than the initial issue..... and if i am right on my analyse you told to a grower, initially you wanted to help, a bad remedy. when you know how grazy can be that plant on lockout process....if you had to much something not needed me... if i was the grower and realise after my help request that the issue is not fixed...or it is worst....i will hesitate in the future to ask for help.😟 it's exactly what's happened to me last year in harsh to conclude take your time... focus on your help's diagnosis not on the GoM 🙌 @perilousp if you are ofently faced to that kind of harsh condition the best for you is to learn to work with silicate s easy and it will develop a big celular reaction on you stems... leaves.....buds... increasing nutrients absorption (take count of that). if you have the right condition on your place you can also grow aloé vera and use the juce with water to spray plants in early morning 30 mn before the sun rise and before night (you have biobiizz product aloe vera if u can't have a natural plant) silicate powder by terra acquatica is a very good product i gonna test soon....easy to use, u can even spray your plant after a light flitration. but be careful to not breathe the powder....use it on open place (a mask and glove can be recommended if you work with it) you also have atami silic boost but it s a synthetic mineral a light metallic taste can be induce to the plant if too much or badly use. Hope this helps you in the future. happy growing 👊
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 5 years ago
@perilousp Hi mate for future reference that is an iron deficiency which can be corrected fairly easily with some iron chelate 👍
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Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
It's most likely a magnesium defeciency which is quite common. A bottle of call mag would help you out if you at it to your feed 🌱👍
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