The only good way to add co2 is with the gas-powered options. Do get a regulator/alarm so you don't kill yourself and your family. For 25-33% more yield, i'm not a fan of such risks. With 25-33% yield comes a need for roughly 25-33% more light too, so you'll spend more in electricty.. probably spend more per gram since you also need propane or hookup to natural gas, etc. Though, maybe not.. would need to see results and compare, but that's an expensive experiment.
what definitely doesn't work that well are these bags and exhale bags and whatever else is out there.. you probably need so many that the cost is prohibitive.
when using a diy method, you need somethign like 30-40lbs of sugar along with appropriate amount of yeast just to provide during flower phase (~2 months). To give an idea of scale of what you'd need in a small-ish room to create an atmosphere with 1200-1300ppm co2. Larger room will need more.. a room not sealed up well will need more. Less air exchange, even if you keep RH in check, means more risk of disease, too.
lots of people do it. i'd love to see the cost per gram change per grower's context. That would be the biggest key for me. I have a feeling it doesn't scale well for a home grower. you have a lot fewer plants to spread the cost around.