
Hey folks! I've never grown autos. I do only ...

masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 months ago
Hey folks! I've never grown autos. I do only outdoor. It says not to transplant but I live in maine and I can't start in final containers. Would it be possible to use solo or bio cups and cut the bottoms off so that I can transplant them with less stress? What do you ppl do?
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 2 months ago
how often do you experience transplant shock? if rarely, i would not worry one bit. I've yet to see a pot plant shocked from trasnplant after 200? 300+? transplants. It's not a high probability problem, at the least. Part of my evaluation of a seedling pot is how easily i can slide a plant out.. Small pots should be fairly soft so you can loosen it up on the sides and give a little push from below to get the entire plug to slide out with minimal effort.. just a little gravity is all it should take. Yes, some lil seedling pots allow roots to easily escape, so anything fitting that description can simply be placed into a new pot and the roots will grow through it. always better to remove that, too, though.. any physical impediment slows roots down, simple as that. no reason to self-inflict such a context when transplants are easy as pie to do in a normal way. the drawbacks of a large container and small plant far, far outweigh any miniscule chance of shocking your auto with a transplant. .. again if you chock plants often, maybe don't do this, but most people should be fine. Also, it's about DLI not daylight hours. If you live in a region with weaker sun, all plants autos and photos will suffer equally. If there is sufficient DLI in your region and time of year you grow, then the autos will fourish just fine with the same benefits you expect from growing a photoperiod outside or any other plant.. it'll be swimming in photons from all angles an not just from above.. there will be no difference in DLI from top-to-bottom of the plant, so you should avoid larf if it is spread out to receive light efficiently. You shoudl get a much better yield from them outside, and if you don't it's not because of a short day.. places around equator have shorter days but high DLI... photons per second (rate) multipled by time (hours of light) = DLI (there are world maps with this DLI denoted per region)... depending on where you are, the rate of photons can easily counteract hours of light and still result in very good DLI... and the opposite is true too.. you have 24/7 light in some areas for weeks or months at a time, but the DLI is very low, so it's a shit place to grow outside even though it's 24/7 light. autos outdoors can avoid a humid season.. this is a reason i'd grow autos outdoors.. the only reason i'd ever grow an inferior marijuana plant wiht ruderalis genes would be outside to avoid the extrem RH% of late summer in my local area.
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Selected By The Grower
SkunkleDamoanswered grow question 2 months ago
If you can’t get pots that you can plant or you are in plastic already then do this. Make sure a good amount of roots have formed so it holds the rootball together. Put medium in new pot and ‘plamt’ Your plant in the plastic pot as if it wasn’t there. Then take out, loosen from small pot and put back in premade hole with a perfect f
Grow_for_Happinessanswered grow question 2 months ago
I like to use Nursery bags, usually the 2L but they come in many sizes. Let's your plants get to a nice size, then you just place the plant, bag and all, into the soil and your done. Continues to grow with no shock
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Organomananswered grow question 2 months ago
Forget autos, they really do not perform outdoors and are best grown indoors at 18/6 to maximize yields. They just don't get enough daylight hours outdoors to grow big enough for decent yields. Stick with photoperiod fems and get decent yields would be my advice. Autos are not everything they are hyped up to be. I have tried both transplanting, then not transplanting and every time I would consider auto yields vs time invested = disappointing yields outdoors.
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GreenthumbJacobsanswered grow question 2 months ago
So lange sie nicht in der Blüte ist. Kannst du sie sorglos umtopfen. In der Blüte ist das zu viel Stress und könnte erheblichen Schaden anrichten. Ich würde es nicht wagen.
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FuzzySnoutanswered grow question 2 months ago
I am growing my first plant. It's auto. I transplanted it twice. I am not sure whether I damaged roots or stressed the plant, or none of the above, but in next 24 hours the growth progress was the same as before (I take pictures every day from the same point, so it's easy to compare). Next time I am going to start in final container because it's cleaner, no need to prepare medium again, no need to worry that in the new pot growing medium is as much close to an old one as it's humanly possible... and sincerely, I have got impression that in a bigger pot root system developed faster - the main reason I transplanted is because I read somewhere that it's better for a plant when pot size comply with plant size. Maybe. I don't think that applies to autos. Bottom line transplanting was very stressful for me, not so stressful for my plant. P.S.: I use air-pots.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 months ago
See its not really the stress. It'll be the small container that causes autos to be small when done in small pots. I don't understand why you can't start from an 9-11L pot from start-finish You can start them but u really should have them in their forever pots before they leave seedling stage. You can do what I did. (Has its own issues) start 2-3 autos in 1 big 20L pot. And plant them apart from each other. And grow them apart from each other using a grow stick (stick-bamboo or whatever) to attach the main stem and grow them out like | /.. there's just one thing. If you get an issue it'll be hard to fix. Or from stopping the whole pot going bad. I don't get why you need to start them in Small pots.