m0useanswered grow question a year ago I have passive air intake on my tent and they use something called a light baffle. It allows airflow and block lights and dust from entering. you can find something like this or make one. One east way would be to put a box aorund the air intake and make slits in it like downward pointing shutters so minimal light can enter. 100% darkness is the goal but some small light bouncing can be fine as long as its not to bright, A full moon does not hinder plants at night and that's a bit of light.
The extractor fan should be at the top of the tent and it should not be letting any light in, if it is, attach a bit of extra tubing and point it up and then down creating a sideways S shape, should stop the light. can also do this on the exhaust side if space is tight inside the tent.
Any time you put a sharp bend or filter on any airport/tube it makes the extractor fan work harder and lower its efficiency, same if the filters get clogged. Keep this in mind as you may need to increase the speed of the extractor.
Good Luck,