
Seedling seem to not be healthy

Catsquachstarted grow question 14 days ago
Just saw a change in the color of the leafs and the one with three leafs has also looked messed up but was wondering if these are okay and if they’ll grow out of it. If so what will I need to do. Temp is 80 and 60 rh in tent and has a diy Humidity dome. Is this caused by the RH?
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 13 days ago
It's probably just genetic. It may grow out of it, it may not. In my current Swiss Cheese grow one of mine sprouted with odd leaf deformations and still does 6 weeks later. You can probably skip over the humidity dome though. Super high humidity is more important for clone cuttings than seedlings really.
m0useanswered grow question 13 days ago
Agree with @Organoman's answer. ditch the dome. I have used humidity wells before. its like a dome, but it has no top so the extra RH is not as much as a dome and allows for airflow still. I legit cut the bottom off a yougart container and plant that over the planted area, I only do this with seedlings if my rooms RH is a bit low. but 60% RH is more then enough. 80 temps is also great.
Organomananswered grow question 13 days ago
Caused by the humidity dome suffocating the plant and perhaps cooking it too. Seedlings do not need "humidity domes", they need good air exchange to grow strong and to transpire properly. Only clones/cuttings need extra high humidity.
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