
Brown Tips but rest looks healthy (Caramel automatic)

MaracujaSmokestarted grow question a month ago
Any idea what the brown tips could indicate? The rest of the plant looks healthy i think. I'm giving 70 percent of the biobizz schedule, growing in light mix. currently only fish mix and bloom. also startet with lst a week ago.
001100010010011110answered grow question a month ago
give it a second. PLant is mostly healthy, otherwise, so i'd wait and see how it progresses. Some potential causes you can alleviate immediately, but as far as an shift in fertilization, i'd hold off. could be from physically touching pot if it was wet with any nutrient water etc. Could be deficiency or toxicity as more than one thing can cause that visible symptom. Need more information. Same with this leaves physically touching substrate -- probably why they are mottled / not quite right. If you continue this path it'll also be a nightmare to water it. While i can understand the importance for some to manage height, you need to be able to water the pot too. nutes labeled "bloom" do have a different ratio, but if mixing to reach an appropriate ratio / concentration of fertilizer then it's not relevant what the name is. The plant needs all that stuff all the time. All that matters is it is at an appropriate balance (ratio) and concentration when mixed together. Soil has a bunch of unknowns related to waht was included in teh soil vs what you supplement in your fertilization. this is a learning curve you have to map out on your own because products vary, soil varies. take notes and keep track of when you saw symptoms and can review previous fertilization process you employed and adjust it next time to avoid the same thing again... assuming you use same exact soil and nutes this wil be pretty consistent to learn from.
Organomananswered grow question a month ago
Not sure why you are giving "Bio Bloom" to a sedling in veg, but.......I would think "Bio Grow" would be more correct......... Brown tip looks like damage from hitting the edge of the pot, but could also be due to incorrect feeding.