
Mixing nutrients rules? Dos/Donts

Grammo216started grow question 2 months ago
When mixing nutrients do you go in a certain order? I know when mixing cal mag should usually always go last. But are there other rules? Is it safe to mix different nutrient brands in the same solutions? I tend to make different batches with only one brand of nutes per batch.
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
There are 2 elements you need to be careful of. Ca and Si (if used). Always dissolve and dilute whatever other nutes you have (dry or liquid) before adding the components with high amounts of Ca or Si. In general it's vry difficult to cause a precipitate at normal feeding concentrations, so the main concern is from the concentrated liquid or dry nutes before they are dissolved or well-mixed. At that point, it is of no concern. so, as long as you don't dump things in out of order or mix stock solutions together, no worries. The ingredients in fertilizers can vary a small amount, but even within that scope they are ubiquitous commodities. It's a small pool of likely ingredients. Start comparing labels of ingredients and you see it's the same shit over and over again... there are a few options here and there or maybe you use completely unquantifiable organic products that may or may not be consistent depending on a whole bunch of factors, lol... if it has a professional lable and they can guarantee what's in it... it's safe.
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Selected By The Grower
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 2 months ago
Most brands I've seen recommend starting with your micronutrient. As a rule I never mix brands. Manufacturers formulate to their own brands not everyone else's and even if they mix ok their ratios are probably pretty different. We look at feeds in terms of N-P-K but products are generally blends of at least 2 if not all 3. Sure it can be calculated out, but it's easy to miscalculate too.
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m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago