Maybe on full blast. You'll probably need a larger RH offset in the lung room because the tent may lag a bit on exhausting it.
I usually have about a 5% higher RH in the tent compared to the room around it. Lots of local variables are invovled, so take this as a grain of salt.
in general you want to have teh m3/h to mathematically cycle out the air 1 per 2-3 minutes. Obviously, airflow doesn't work so neatly, but it's still a good point of comparison.
180 / 60mins = 3m^3 / minute, give or take. LEss ducting resistance and filters etc... can be 1/2 or less in some cases.
2.88m^3 (1.2x1.2x2)
So even if a filter and loops in ducting take 50% of that, you are still refreshing tent 1 ever 2-3 minutes at worst. 100% power is loud. When it dies, go with something you can run at 1/2 power or less. Way less noise and it'll last longer too. and exhaust and an intake is a great idea for a photoperiod tent. Worrying about those open flaps/mesh passive intakes is for the birds - some make sure light blocker that doesn't seal up well anywhere. Easier to create a baffle or light labirynth and not worry about it, ever. 'm a big fan of keeping that stuff outside the tent too, but if using a charcoal filter, you don't want to do that with the exhaust. More space, not in the way of lights etc.. worth it if you can do it.
charcoal filter is best inside tent and pulled through. if you create negative pressure in the tent, it assures all air goes through the filter and if of good quality should mitigate smell effectively with zero odor leaks. Some filters you can reverse (not all !!), but then any seam outside the negative pressure context might leak odor.