terp booster adds K. If you look at the ingredient it;s proably some ubiquitous ingredient that you'll find in plenty of other fertilizers. it probably does nothing for terps beyond providing proper amounts of K to the plant if used well... if used poorly simply treating the plant like foie gras won't end well.
Adjust your formula. Give a bit lower proportions of N. This looks to be slowly progressing from teh bottom. the bottom leaves do look darker. You are probably right in your diagnosis.
either calculate ppms or weighted average of N value from NPK etc and proprtionally adjust it down 5-10% as best you can without imppacting the levels of other nutrients. (5-10% less, not minus 5%... so if your weighted vale was 5, drop it to 4.5 or if it was 120ppm, drop it to 108ppm or so)
10% may be too much.. consider how slowly it is progressing. if very slow, dip N 5% to start, and give it a couple weeks unless progresion snowballs, of course..