
My friend is following the BioBizz feeding schedul...

BlackForestGrowerstarted grow question 3 months ago
My friend is following the BioBizz feeding schedule using the following nutrients: Cal/Mag, BioGrow, and ActiVera. Despite this, the leaves of his plants are turning yellow, and the tips are burning. hope you can help us. He lowers the pH of the water from 10.5 to 6.5 using lemon
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 months ago
any acid is fine - if pH is drifting it isn't because the acid you use is not stable.. it means the solution is not buffered properly to start. if it is a soilless context, this is a major fuck up of the manufacturer of the fertilizer. if it's soil-use fertilizer, i don't know, i guess it's just typical of soil fertilizers, lol, probably "organic" too, bwahah. Any acid is fine. Acetic acid is a great option - cheap and available most places, plus it doesn't impact nurtient ratio balance like some acids and bases can. People confuse causality when it comes to pH drift issues. You can easialy mitigate the excess proton acceptors (bases) with some acid and have plenty of Mg and Ca floating around without an alkaline pH. It's done all the time and it is necessary for healthy growing. that symptom looks like a Cl deficiency, which would be very odd, so i'd assume pH in rootzone or nute-related lockout (see mulder's chart) is the cause here. Bronze coloration is odd. Trace elements are rarely an issue even if you see symptomsm of a trace element problem. Maybe somethign interfering with K? but, this isn't matching up well for that either. in the end not enough info, and not spending 30mins dooing the math on those nutes. if it's a soilless context compared ppms to the following, if this is a "soil" ignore this part... N 120-130 - at least 100+ in flower phase too. P 40-60 K 180+ Ca 100+ Mg 75ish S 100+ Some of these can vary due to what comes in your water out of the tap. That would impact ratio of what is needed above. The overall concentration is more related to lcoal VDP and rate your platn drinks. Higher rate of drinking requires a lower overall concentration but retain the same ratios. A lower vpd may need a higher concentration. The key here is it gets the same mass of building blocks per day to math new growth. So, may need some small adjustments to Ca, Mg, S, but the others should be very close. OVerall concentration may need an adjustment either direction, but this is a low starting point at around 1.3EC. These numbers are calculated from guarantee analaysis labels and not using some shitty TDS pen converting (aka guessing) from electrical conductivity measured. The fact there are 3 or 4 conversion factors depending on what equipment brand you bought tells you how inaccurate that conversion is. in any soilless or hydro contex, numbers WAY off from these will eventualyl cauase issues even if it takes 1-2 months to see them. Can other formulas work well? sure, but if 99% of plants don't respond well to it, this formula is better, lol. It is not "my" formula and you can find similar ratios and such across several brands like Southern AG, Jacks 321 hydro, athena (5x more expensive for no reason), masterblend and others... this is no accident as it is research based formula with sample sizes that a small garden could never compare to. trust it... it's 10x better than anecdotal nonsense.
Selected By The Grower
AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 months ago
your friend is not smart and bad with money count. 3 lemons cost like 1 euro/pound/dollar in shop 1 lemon while cut last 3-5 days before mold start to appear. so it will last max 2 waterings, around one week. one grow takes 3-4 month, so lets say 15 weeks. thats 15 lemons, 5 money. one bottle of ph- will last 2 years with growing 3 plants all year long. it cost 10 money on average. you see now ? lemon has a drift, adding acid straight to food, kills a lot of bacterias and reduces the potency of organic fertilizers. drift is heavy, so you poison or change ph of soil in pot during few month, thats what he has now. phosphorus deficiency, lockout and most certainly ph swing is his current state. i did same stupid things myself, thats why i know. buy ph- and stop the crap, by size i think its photos, not autos, so he has some time to nurse them before sending to flower, it will take 2-3 weeks for plants to recover. if he wants fast action - transplant into 2x or better 3x bigger pots asap, then in a week time he will have results.
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Jaynaanswered grow question 3 months ago
He should reduce Cal/mag. Even if the pH value is lowered, calcium and magnesium are still contained in alkaline water to a large extent, the minerals do not disappear even in the low pH range.
Qsenganswered grow question 3 months ago
He should use Bio heaven also
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 months ago
I also recommend getting some pot risers for the fabric pots. It will provide air flow under the pot and prevent the belly from sitting in its own puddle of piss.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 months ago
Yeah lemon can bring PH down but I don’t recommend using lemon as a way to lower your PH. It’s just not very stable. I would use a proper PH down solution to regulate the water.