

Sw015started grow question 5 days ago
Will be starting my first grow this week but im a little unsure when to first treat my coco do treat it a day before I begin my germination or the same day as germination? As I want to make sure the coco is moist?
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 5 days ago
Is it a compressed brick you need to expand or fluffy stuff in a bag? Compressed stuff, if you cheaped out, is really low quality usually and has sea salt in it due to the lack of rinsing during processing. It's never a good idea to try to skimp out on your coco purchases. But the already expanded stuff with a mixture of perlite in it. It is pre-washed and buffered with calmag and pH adjusted. Canna sells a compressed brick but i have not heard or tried it so i can't speak to it. But they are a reputable brand so they would likely be trust worthy to invest in, but a no name brick from who knows where off way i'd use that.
m0useanswered grow question 5 days ago
I have used CANNA coco compressed brick and will keep using it. great stuff. Rinsed, Buffered and Aged. Even the lower end quality ones just need a good rinse and some buffering "CaMg" but why waist your time with it when you can just get a better quality one. Before I knew about the high and low quality coco's I mixed a lot of lower quality stuff into my outdoor garden and it was fine. The rain helped wash out any left over salts but it was also mixed up with soil so not just coir. If your doing just pure coir aka coco, then get a better product that is buffered. CANNA or likewise. Don't forget the perlite as well. Good Luck!
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