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Ready for harvest?

Slickchigdogstarted grow question 8 months ago
Rdy to harvest? What docyou guys think?
m0useanswered grow question 8 months ago
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 8 months ago
you need to look at more than just the top buds. the top colas are almost always ahead of the rest as far as ripening due to apical dominance. you also need to find out what you prefer and not worry about what others prefer. I like an early harvest. From the taste of the buds to the effect of the high. It may effect others slightly differently or they may simply have a different personal prefernce even if they feel it the same way i do, which is not a guaranteed -- see Nyquil - some get hyper, some go into a deep coma within 15minutes of taking it, lol. Drugs will most likely effect you in similar ways as others, but not always. So, Pistil color Density Trichomes Use all three to consistently determine a harvest point. Take some notes about when you harvested this time. Try a bit more ripe or less ripe etc and figure out what you prefer. If there's not much amber now, obviously let it ripen longer next time. Also, make sure to asses mid and lowe rlevel buds. The bulk of mass is at the top so obviously favor those signals. You can always let teh lower stuff ripen longer too. Cut off the colas and wait a few more days for the rest. This will not improve yield, but will improve consistency of ripeness across the yield. 10% amber? 70%? if you want to fall asleep, you generally want it more ripe. (see nyquil, again, as to why i say 'generally'). Amber is actually a degredation and lower THCa/THC potency. you can look this up as it is not an opinion or "bruh-science". Trichomes are probably the best way to assess it, but don't attribute all the nonsense that's been projected onto it. Let the results speak for themselves as far as how the high feels and what you want out of it. Due to nature of incongruent ripening timelines of all the trichomes on all the buds, you inevitably want some portion to be amber, even so.
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