
Preventive use of Neem oil

Chrisor23started grow question 3 days ago
I want to use neem oil als a preventive for diseases and insects. How long should I wait before I start with it? Do I even then apply it every week constantly? Couldn’t find anything while researching.
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 days ago
It doesn't do much. i used to used it and have stopped. The only preventative thing i use is Bti, because too often larva come with the substrate you buy and there's no way to avoid it without pre-emptive action. the best preventative measures you can take, otherwise, is simply keeping a clean garden and control the environemnt. Don't leave fallen leaves to decay. Don't let RH go above 65 or below 30 etc. Don't get anywhere near the dewpoint -- primarly a concern after lights go out. As temperature drops, the absolute humidity stays the same but relative humidity rises as temps drop. It is surprisingly easy to get dew (condensation) on the leaves after the lights go out. A temp/rh probe helps here to avoid interrupting dark cycle of a photoperiod plant or if you grow autos, simply open it up and check on temp/rh/avoiding dew. standing water on the leaves will grow "something" evenetually. Avoid condensation on leaves at all costs. Bti will take care of any insects that come from larvea in the soil. Some stuff may still wander into your garden, but there's not much you can do about that. Have some pyrthrine concentrate on standby to mix up a kill-on-contact spray for bugs. Nothing is really safe to spray on a flower that you will later smoke or ingest (even if it's an extraction). Just be clean and control the environment, and that'll take care of 99% of the potential issues. some people have dirtier homes than others, so a littlel self-reflection may be necessary, too. if you live in a sty, you may need to take more actions. Or, maybe you just have a ton of house plants that attract all sorts of potential issues. Your home may have elevated risks and require more effort. Some sticky traps are good to have around too. I slap one up. In my garden it might catch 2-3 gnats over 100 days more times than not, but occasionally it pulls a bit more weight and they are cheap. the pack i bought 3 years ago is still half full.
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modmyplantsanswered grow question 3 days ago
I dont like it at all, i used it and it smells like shit, can also burn your plants if applied at wrong time and raises humidity in your dome. For prevention i just used mycrobes i bought and applied twice in the cycle of life, but they not mainly for pest and fungus prevention it just helps. I think straight prevention is pretty stupid as long as you earn money like a normal person. Its not expensive, but aint for free either and will probably be uesless. Also hard to control the spots diseases and insects rise up, in terms of long time prevention. Its corners and spots you dont reach that easy, probably not even directly in your soil/pot. I think with trying to prevent all that stuff, by extra Oils,bacteria what ever you make it unnecessarily complicated for yourself. Just be nice to your plants and react to changes. Otherwise if you like insects, get some predators. But then your tent has to be also safe for them. that will be another lvl of expensive, but atleast understandble to me, if animals are your hobby too
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m0useanswered grow question 3 days ago If the active part of the oil is removed, "Azadirachtin" its the same as a horticultural oil and other oils exist that are cheaper. I don't like the smell of neem, others use BTi and part of their IPM Integrated pest management regime. Most times its best to wait for the problem to arise so you don't create resistance and waste product. Outdoors I know all my plants will get a bit of aphids or thrips. so I use predatory insects I buy from my grow shop. let em rip loose and do the work for me. My goal is not 100% eradication but high 90's bugs will be bugs. some of their damage helps stress the plant into making more trichomes as defence.
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Chucky324answered grow question 3 days ago
Hello. Please look up Aspirin for the garden. Helps in all sorts of ways. With a bit in the water, it helps the plant fight off insects and fungus. Look it up and see if its good for your problem. Chuck.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 days ago
I’m in agreement with Organoman. It’s illegal in Canada to use for cannabis. Why not just use a milder product to combat insects when you have insects?
Organomananswered grow question 3 days ago
I would not use it unless there was an actual problem. I would certainly not spray it on buds at all. In my country, it is illegal to use neem oil on any crop intended for human consumption.
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Doncultivoanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hola ! Aqui te dejo unos consejos Antes de aplicar el producto, debes agitar bien el envase. Mezcla de 1 a 2 ml del producto por litro de agua de riego. Aplica bien en toda la planta, incluyendo el envés de las hojas y los cogollos. Para aplicaciones radiculares o baños de esquejes, vas a necesitar mezclar 2 a 3 ml de Bio Neem por litro de agua de riego. Algunas recomendaciones para el buen uso de este producto son las siguientes: De 10 a 15 días antes de realizar la cosecha, no utilices este producto. Realiza un lavado de raíces 2 semanas antes de la cosecha. Se recomiendo aplicar este producto en momentos de poca luz. Es importante que conserves este producto en lugares templados. El aceite se puede volver más denso o sólido si las temperaturas están debajo de 15 C°.
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