
When can I harvest?

DonOlistarted grow question 2 days ago
These plants are in flowering week 4-5. I think they are ready in about 2-3 weeks. What do you think? Iam asking cause I don’t know when I should start flushing for 10-14 days. (I don’t have a magnifying glasses right now)
m0useanswered grow question 2 days ago
You have more then 3 weeks left, they are in prime flower. You can judge harvest date by a few things. 1. Pistil dry back, aorund 80% is good. 2. Trichome Ripeness on the buds vs leaves, mostly cloudy vs clear and some amber is nice. 3, Buds density and growth, the plant will not be actively growing and the buds will be as dense as they are getting. All these things combined will help yea out, from the pics it looks like they are actively growing and have little to one pistil dry back. Good Luck!
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Selected By The Grower
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
4-5 more weeks. when the calyxes plump and make the stigmata look short, then you are maybe 10-14 days away. Even then ripening takes a bit longer. Definitely get that 30-60x magnifying glass of some sort - currency checker or jeweler's loupe etc. Get glass lense and read the comments. Many of them lie about magnification. you'll find more than a few marijuana growers in the comments on amazon to help out and possibly on other online sites too. you don't need to flush. You just need to avoid overfeeding. if the substrate ever becomes toxic, that's when you "flush" the medium to dilute it. If it is at a safe concentration level, then all is fine. Consider outdoor growing. The soil always has nutrients, do they flush outdoor grows? No, because it'd be absurd. But, if you have your heart set on flushing it won't do anythign too negative. Just wait for the buds to actually look plump and bud-like. Then you have 7-14 days, probably, depending on what you deem looks like a finished bud. Might have some bias in ya, based on the 2-3 week guesstimate here. Don't try to pick the timeframe. let the plant tell you.
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SkunkleDamoanswered grow question 2 days ago
You'll have time to get a loupe. At least 3 weeks
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 2 days ago
You have an other 4 weeks to go.
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