
I looked up a lot of informations when the plants ...

Chrisor23started grow question 3 days ago
I looked up a lot of informations when the plants is no longer in the seedling stage and moving into a "vegetative phase", some say there should be at least 7 pairs of leaves, others say that when the first pair of leaves if fully developed... What is the meta on this one? 😎
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 days ago
These terms are a generalizations vs representing specific cause and effect. I would think of 'seedling' stage as a substage of vegetative phase, but that sort of thing is a bit arbitrary. Also, after flip to flower, the plant still grows leaves and elongating stems (a.k.a. "vegetative" growth) for 3-4+ weeks. so, you have 'vege' growth in flower phase, too. They could have categorized this as some transition or 3rd phase, but arbitrarily it was not organized that way. Maybe, in more advanced classes they do expand on those basic stages, i wouldn't know.
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Selected By The Grower
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 days ago
If it’s a photo period plant I consider veg starts 3 weeks after the seedling pops. Then veg for five to seven weeks so flip to 12-12 ten weeks after it first broke soil. But that’s just me. Everyone has their own style.
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modmyplantsanswered grow question 3 days ago
Only Cotyledons= A Seedling, Getting Fan Leaves = Vegetativegrow, Getting Flower signs = Flowerstage. This is pretty accurate if we speak about what you should feed them, what RH, temp and light you need. You can also balance the amounts inbetween the stages so you dont do crazy changes in feeding from one to another feed, or crazy changes in RH from one to another day. You will get a feeling for it
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m0useanswered grow question 3 days ago
what ever the fuck you want. I say vegging starts as soon as it pops the soil and seedling is like toddlers stage, then it moves into small child and teen, all part of vegging stage though just broken down. Then puberty hits and its sexualy mature, its onto flowering with 12/12 if a photoperiod or keep it stuck as a young adult till your ready to flip. Auto do all this on their own, and sometimes flower at 2 weeks old so its dumb.