i bet this is one part an illusion - intense light and wrinkled leaves can make it seem like the color is inconsistent, but if you flatten it out and use normal lighting, it'll look a solid color -- double check.
if the color is inconsistent, hopefully it grows out of it. In my experience the inconsistent pigmentation and odd leaves that continue and seemingly not related to nutrients doesn't turn out well.
if it's coco coir, maybe you got a poorly buffered batch. That would correct itself with continued fertigation.
The drying patterns makes me wonder about watering habits. this assumes it's coco coir. Always fertigate, Always get 10% runoff waste water. wait for top layer to dry or minimum 33% loss of weight and repeat. i'd hold off on more frequent irrigation early on and amp it up later once the root system is established in the pot. you'll have a larger root mass for flower phase that way.