
Should I let my plants die before harvest?

Kuhle_Mohalestarted grow question 3 days ago
I was watching the 4th episode of Marijuania mania and Ivan from the jungle boys says he lets his plants die before they harvest. Is this actually some good advice backed with with science, or is it just broscience?
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 days ago
Sounds like an elevated risk of mold or some other pathogen. 100% amber? probably fall asleep mid-joint, lol, drop it then burn your house down. Go to cocoforcannabis dot com. read the growing guides. read the dr photon's corner articles. After 5+ yaers of looking around, this is by far the best source that is a "marijuana" site, and they cover most of what you will ever need to know. people want to beleive there are magic tricks that are different than what we've done fro every other similar species of plant. there isn't. and marijuana isn't that much different from other flowering plants in this regard. There's no magic method or product that can polish a turd. you either grow a plant in a healthy way or you do not.
m0useanswered grow question 3 days ago
This only makes sense to me if you're harvesting seeds from them. Or maybe want a very high level of CBN but till death even is a bit much. Otherwise is bad advice and I agree 100% with what Organoman said.
Organomananswered grow question 3 days ago
No, no, no.......just bad, bad, bad. Would you wait for a cow to die before harvesting it for steaks...........absolutely not. You want to harvest a plant at the peak of its health, not some sort of decaying corpse. Absolute bro science and everything you should not do if you want prime buds. I could not think of a worse way to treat buds that I want to consume!