
Please help!! I found this on my flowers, it seems to be mold, I'm 2 weeks away from harvest, does it have to be thrown away or can I fix it?

VincPerostarted grow question 3 months ago
please help!!I found this on my flowers, it seems to be mold, I'm 2 weeks away from harvest, does it have to be thrown away or can I fix it?
GoldenWeedGroweranswered grow question 3 months ago
I would trash all. also because even if you suceed in saving something (creating new roots using enzymes) , the expected result won't be satisfying at all imho.. So, you can try but you should better keep your expectation low so you wond't be disappointed.. Good Luck !
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Selected By The Grower
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 months ago
I’m sorry but those who say this is salvageable, that’s horrible advice. If you have mold on some buds more than likely there’s spores all over your plant. It’s like telling someone to just cut the moldy part off the bread and think the rest of it is fine to eat. That’s not how mold works. Before your next run you’ll have to disinfect your whole grow space. Next run you’ll have to try to keep that RH in check during flowering.
IvyGrowsanswered grow question 3 months ago
That is A LOT of mold growth. You could potentially harvest now and go through the bud to remove any infected areas, but you can't be sure with your eyes alone that you would get it all. I wouldn't chance it if I were you and discard the plant unfortunately.
Krisisanswered grow question 3 months ago
It’s mold. It’s disgusting. I grow at home because who knows what others sell you. Why subject yourself to something and risk respiratory infections etc? Bin that shit
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Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 3 months ago
You don't have to trash the whole plant lol. Just make sure all affected buds have been removed. If you're really worried reserve the rest just for edibles.
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 3 months ago
Don't bin it.That's stupid if most of the buds aren't infected. Why would you throw buds away that aren't infected?Very carefully identify which buds its on and take those buds out from the stem making sure not to touch any other buds. Iv had the exact same situation more than once and Iv never lost more than a few grams. I guess its just that 1 piece and you'll loose a few grams.I would havest the plant now though making sure you break all those buds down into little bits as I guess you may find more small bits but I bet you 90% of that plant will be fine. It often starts around dead leaves near the stem.bud.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 3 months ago
you can believe this persons!! bin is the only place for your Girl, some thing´s getting learned the hard way you contactd me on instagram, and all i say is the same like all the reliable grower here say your lady is not to save. the good thing is, this mistake will probably never happen to you. lesson learned. but believe me a lot of lessons wait even for me, iam learning in every grow cheers
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HoddleKinganswered grow question 3 months ago
Get rid . Check your humidity levels pronto . Gutting I know , but you don’t want to smoke that AT ALL . I had this way back when on my first grow . Left big colas hanging up after chopping , the next day they was riddled with that horrible misty webbing . Yack . Makes my skin crawl . Throw it out and check the other pants 😖
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 months ago
its bud rot, looking at state and position of leaves at even visibly undamaged bud - i would throw that all plant out. mold is very dangerous to smoke. its stars with white fuzz, then gone for 6-24 hours, then you have your state, with visual very rapid downgrade of leaves to yellow and mold on bud. would chopp all garden , it spreads fast, no cure, lost fight.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 months ago
Situations that’ll make a grown man cry.
MindFlowers68answered grow question 3 months ago
I'm sorry to say but that looks to be a pretty developed case of botrytis. (bud rot). If you have any other plants I would get that away from them as soon as possible and check your other plants, hydrogen peroxide kills the mold spores. I would use that to clean the tent after you remove infected plants. its not the end of the world but a deffs bummer. I got budrot on one of my plants and lost 100g. see if there is anything you may be able to salvage but its looking like its pretty far gone. It's a tough time of the year to control humidity. if you can keep it down the buds are always susceptible to rot. and some strains rot easier than others. i got it on a pure sativa which is not that common.