"cannabis-specific" anything is usually a marketing ploy. If they price gouge due to this labeling, then it's a shit product, imo. I don't like paying for superficial labels. I spend 80-100 usd for 11-12 cu ft of substrate. If i bought some marijuana potting mixes i'd ben spending 200-300, lol, and that is total nonsense. Even with the fertilizer i put down, i spend less than 5 usd per pot for a 90-100-day cycle with a 150-200g plant in it.
depends on how consistently they make the product. being able to plan around it and not be surprised by it. people rave about products that are mediocre all the time. That's pretty hard to discern with small sample purchases. Check out an online comment section and see if X% complain about issues related to nutrient imbalances. Then you have to hope the people you are reading comments from are somewhat competent at fertilizing a plant, lol, which is no guaranatee.