
Slow growth, can it be sped up or is it ok as is?

Trying_Hard420started grow question 12 days ago
i’ve had my plants for two weeks. It’s whiteWidow and originalGlue. I use 2ml of nutrients in 2 cups of water with a light schedule of 16 hours. With the light at a distance of 26in. I had another plant before that seemed to grow faster than these.
Organomananswered grow question 12 days ago
It is ok as it is. You could try moving the light a little bit closer, but in reality, all plants grow to the beat of their own drum. Go easy on the fertilizers though, baby plants need baby feeding. Going to 18/6 might speed things up a bit.
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Selected By The Grower
001100010010011110answered grow question 12 days ago
growth is exponential, but it takes time to build up. Keep it looking healthy and growing well. All you can do. light -- you can tell by how it grows. too lanky, needs more. Nodes too tight, needs less. If giving all the light you can without odd growth, it's probably growing as fast as it can.
Todzillaanswered grow question 12 days ago
Plants are like kids. Some grow up fast and some take forever and end up small. Treat them the same! I have had a 4’ next an 8’ plant. Same feed, same light, different genetics. Don’t overfeed a small guy. Just keep doing what worked for you before and focus on the health of the plant and not the height. Best of luck on your grow.
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oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 12 days ago
Photoperiod yeah.When the pots are big and take a long time to dry out they grow slow. You should start plants off in small cups unless they're autos. You could stick some straws into the soil to get some air in their which will help t and look at my roots.he roots. You also need a root booster, bigger roots=bigger fruits. I can't recommend seaweed/kelp enough. Iv not grown without it for several years.Take a look at my roots and you can see how effective it is on a 5wk auto. Heat helps no end. Make sure its 24.
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