
how to deal with hermies

recluserstarted grow question 7 days ago
so im pretty sure i have a hermie plant shes sitting in the dark right now because i dont know how to continue. the plant is in week 3 of flowering and has only few single green and not yellow "banana pods" at the bottom. can she potentially pollinate my other plants at this stag
001100010010011110answered grow question 7 days ago
popping pollen sacs is bad. A lone nanner you can pluck and it won't produce much pollen even if you miss it. A pollen sac can pollinate 100s if not 1000s of calyxes. Sometimes herms don't dump pollen like a true male plant, but it's got the full anatomy to produce it, unlike the lone nanners. Burn it. you could try plucking and plcuking and pluckgin until the end. you'll have to scour the plant each day looking for new growth -- getting it while it's green is better than mature, open and yellow. I'd do this stuff at the end of the day when you can leave the tent and not come back -- this way you wash your hands , shower, change clothes before the next time you go back in there. the only hope is that some temporary stressed caused what you saw -- that wouldn't spread as long as the source of stress was fixed. Like a ray of light somehow hitting one spot due to a malfunctioning light labyrinth. But if it is herming out while perfectly happy and healhty, that's a trash-dick plant you shoujdl throw out. Why you might keep it: lone plants with lots of time invested -- you could finish this up and make bubble hash. A non solvent or pressure method of extraction (sieve in this case) would work well and be a quality outcome. any context where it can't get worse, already invested a lot, and want "something" out of it. bubble hash is the way with seeded plants. yield and potency might be a bit lower, but it'll taste fine and still be stronger than normal flower.
Nicogreenanswered grow question 7 days ago
Riv den op og træk på den eller fjern den LAAAANGT VÆK FRA DE ANDRE OG LAD DEN VOLSE SIG KÆMPE OG SÅ TRÆKKE NOL PÅ DEN 😇🤑😁🙏🏼😉
HerbalEduanswered grow question 7 days ago
as said if only a few near the bottom of canopy, just remove them and you should be fine they should stop to pop in the next two week.
Organomananswered grow question 7 days ago
At this stage, no, she can not pollinate your other plants. She/he/it is still 7-14 days from being mature enough for shedding viable pollen.
SzkolaZiolaanswered grow question 7 days ago
Spray her with water and remove from the tent. She will produce more and in places you will not find them. 100% will pollinate the rest.
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modmyplantsanswered grow question 7 days ago
This makes me so sad. More hermis this week than harvests. All you can do is watch your plant and hope that you can frequently plug them off before they flower. They need atleast 2 weeks till they open, so you have time. But you have to check frequently, she will probably go on with producing them up till end of flower. If you have more plants, seperate her.