
3 weeks into veg stage "bag seeds"

MasterMiyagistarted grow question 7 days ago
using ffof soil in 2 gal & 6.4-6.5 ph water, no nutrients yet currently under 400w led grow light, soon 800w first time grower anything I should look out for? do the babies look healthy for being bag seeds ? is the plant growth stunted ? any suggestions will help, thank you
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 6 days ago
Watch your soil pH. Maintain it between 5.8 and 6.8. Allow your soil to dry out between each watering. Physically lift the pot to check if it's light and in need of water. If there's weight to it, don't water. Keep your temperature under 80F and over 65F if you can and maintain a humidity range between 50% and 70% in Veg. Don't interrupt the dark period to show your friends. When it's dark, it's meant to stay dark without interruption. Keep anything related to outside away from the plants inside, including pets or your own clothing.
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Selected By The Grower
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 6 days ago
Also, if you got those seeds out of a bag of smoke, they are likely hermaphrodites. So keep close watch for male pollen sacks to form around the plant nodes. Pick them off carefully as they appear.
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CheeRzanswered grow question 6 days ago
Hola, ur plants do look very healthy. Growth ain't lookin' stunned. Only thing I can find is that the pots not completely filled up. Good luck happy growing!
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