
Is this another hermie? I got 3 Auto Skywalker haze from Dutch Passion. 1st was killed day 70 when I found first seeds and then hidden nanners. Now this...

einamiostarted grow question 10 days ago
This is my 2nd seed which was in preflower, 35 days old when first one was removed. Today it is 38 days, and looks like it's growing balls not nanners? is this a proper hermie or whats going on? Should I kill this one too or can those "balls" be removed? Is this genetics or me?
Week 5
Organomananswered grow question 10 days ago
Yep, another hermie. It WILL NOT grow "out of it" as flowering progresses. Its' genetics is "I am a hermaphrodite". Getting male flowers during the "first few weeks of flowering" is not normal nor is it acceptable either. Bad genetics is probably the reason. After looking at your diaries, it does not seem as though you are doing anything that would cause this. More likely the breeder is too greedy to get product on to the market, rather than spending the time and effort involved with properly stabilizing the genetics of the strain. Jumping on the auto flower hype train in other words.
Selected By The Grower
001100010010011110answered grow question 10 days ago
She's got balls for sure. if it's local stress then it might be worth keeping it because you can fix the cause. true hermies don't often stop popping sacs though. if it's a single plant, might be worht the effort. can always make bubble hash (sieve process) if it is seeded. it's an autoflower? so, a light leak can't cause this. Probably bad genetics. Are you using any esoteric "methods or techniques" that cause a lot of damage to the plant? now would be the time to consider that.
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modmyplantsanswered grow question 10 days ago
thats straight up fcked genetics. A lot of dutch passion hermis, seems like they dont give a single fck about selling hermis.
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 10 days ago
In almost 30yrs Iv only ever bought seeds from the Dutch and never had theis issue.Greenhouse,Dutch Passion,Barneys,Dinafem.Greenhouse alone has more than anyone could want. I always find myself going back there.
HerbalEduanswered grow question 10 days ago
few balls the first few weeks of flowering stretch on nodes mostly bottom of the canopy can sometime happen with some phenotype. That's usually not a problem if the plant is producing massively calyx and pistil elsewhere keep a watchfull eyes and just pluck the balls (they fall real easily if you just touch them) and you should be fine. it's start being a more concerning problem if: - the ball form in cluster and not single balls - the ball show inside the bud and not only on node preflower location - the ball show near the top of the canopy finnally having a few or many seeds isn't the end of the world the weed will still taste good and will most of the time be potent enough, you'll just have to carefully pregind your weed by hand to carefully remove any seeds or forming seeds that taste bad if grinded ...
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BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 10 days ago
Hello einamio, Yes these are pollensacks and it is NOT you but the cause is bad genetics! You can carefully remove the pollensacks and keep checking the plant on more male flowers during the growth. But if it would be me personally I do not want to spend time on hermies. I would take my lost and grow some real ladies. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
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