
Growth and sex and nutrition :-)

MrBananastarted grow question 15 hours ago
Ich bin unsicher mit dem Geschlecht und mit dem Größenwachstum. Wachsen sie nicht zu langsam? Und: Meine letzten drei Ernten waren Zwitter :-(. Könnt Ihr Profis schon das Geschlecht erkennen? Dritte Frage: zeigen die Blätter Mangelerscheinungen?
Week 6
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 11 hours ago
Hello MrBanana, Can not see the sex yet, need to start the flowering phase first. They grow great! Nice thick stem and large fan leaves. No there are NOT deficiencies visible. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
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001100010010011110answered grow question 13 hours ago
No preflowers, yet, so you can't sex it using your eyes. if you are consistently getting herms, it could very well be self-inflicted. Ensure there are no light leaks during dark cycle -- it must be uninterrupted. Personal incredulity is irrelevant to the plant. i'd stop foliar spraying or whatever caused that standing water on your leaf. That's just a disease vector waiting to happen. LEaves look fine, but that's not hard early on. You see the ramifications of your fertilization methods after weeks and months... if it's a good equilibrium with growth, then you avoid buildups and deficiencies.. if you see these things that means the ratio or overall concentration of the nutes of out of balance relative to growth rate. the faster this stuff becomes apparent, the bigger the adjustment should be. That damage on lowest leaf may or may not be relevant. it oculd be too close to soil or touching it. even if not touching it the RH could be higher and impace transpiration of that 1 leaf etc etc.. plus it is older growth. The plant will sometimes shed shielded leaves. So, i'd watch how that damage progresses before reacting to it. If it never goes beyond that leaf, it's nothng to be concerned about. slim chance it's related to potassium being a bit low, but that would spread and move up the plant (mobile nutes start at bottom and progress upward)
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