
How much yield i will get ?100 liter super soil pot+ biobizz line+ a little synthetic bloom fertilizers in good condition?

Snakekingstarted grow question 8 days ago
Hey guys/girl They are in final stretching but they are going in flowering completely. how much yield i will get from this 6 gorilla skittlez in good condition not best condition,site says 700g/ m2 indoor and 2.5 kg per plant in outdoor,From your experience what do you think?
001100010010011110answered grow question 8 days ago
he outdoor guestimate won't apply if they are in a pot. maybe a really bug pot would be okay, lol. 2.5kg is a 6-8' plant i bet? so a pot that would allow that type of growth could do it. With ambient co2 indoors, you won't get much over 50-60g/sq ft (which the "50" is 540/m^2)... maybe push 70g/sq ft? That peak is about 750g/m^2 and it would take super-yielding plants, and likely clones of one to ensure it happened. More likely this breeder is "measuring fromt he taint" aka exaggerating. But, if you can trust them, that means it's a heavy yielding plant on average. i wouldn't assume it. breeders like like you and i breathe. but outside, as long as you aren't in a region with low DLI per day, you shuold grow monsters outside with just about any genetic that isn't an autoflower. Putting them in pots will reduce that, but you'll still get better nugs deeper down compared to indoors. If they are teh same size as indoor plants by the end of stretch, 700-800g/m^2 might be reasonable. The sun is a different animal than artificial lights. the plant is swimming in 2000ppfd from all angles, not just from the top. *assumes you aren't in a region of earth with shit sun light. There are DLI maps that will tell you the average DLI per month in your region. google for that info. 35-40 and higher will be toward upper range of yield possible.
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Selected By The Grower
Papa_Tanswered grow question 8 days ago
I think you’re looking at 150-200 grams per plant. But I agree with Organoman, it will be what it will be and that’s it. Outside factors could also lead you with zero grams if it gets mold or bud rot during a period of too much rain. Also grow diaries asks for a wet weight, which to me is stupid. Who gives a crap what the wet weight is. It’s not going to change the outcome of it when it’s dry. Either way, you will have a crap ton of weed at the end with all them plants. I hope you’ve already considered where you’ll dry all of this and have enough containers to package it when you’re done.
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Organomananswered grow question 8 days ago
It will be what it will be.............never count your chickens before they hatch!
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