
What can I do

MasterMiyagistarted grow question 4 days ago
what can I do in this situation? I have not feed any of my plants with nutrients yet Can I start to cut off the bigger leaves or not yet Ph is corrected to 6.4-6.5 Soil: ffof
001100010010011110answered grow question 4 days ago
Are the bigger leaves causing condensation on other leaves or touching the substrate? If not there's no reason to remove them. Whatever you have read that tells you to cut leaves off, stop reading that source of information. That's some nonsense bro-science. Cutting off leaves doesn't allow a plant to "focus on other things" ... it'll merely cause the plant to grow more leaves, lol. congestion, standing water from condensation are good reasons to selectively remove "A" leaf. Don't blindly defoliate many leaves. Bending or tucking leaves are always better option than pruning. Leaves are more than jsut solar panels. Even a shielded leaf is value-added. they are the lungs. It is where many molecules needed for all sorts of reasons in the plant are built and pumped into vascular tissue - not just sugar from photosynthesis, either. A plant will shed "extra" leaves not pulling their weight on its own. that one spot isn't too big of a deal. FFOF is "hot" soil. So it's probably slightly overfed, but that is temporary and as long as ayou don't add more fertilizer (yet), it is reducing concentration each day teh plant drinks. So, unless it starts to get worse quickly, i'd stick to normal watering. ensure the entire thing gets wet, wait for top inch to dry, and repeat. Easy-peasy. If it gets worse, get a little runoff. maybe 10-20% and see what happens over the next week. when you see symptoms of deficiency, you know it's time to slowly ramp up fertilization. FFOF uncut should last 6-8 weeks, i bet. if you addded perlite or something akin to that, it will reduce how much fertilizer is present per volume, obviously and reduce that guesstimate. "to defoliate or not..." article on is required reading. As well as the rest of their grow guides and anything in dr photon's corner. user-submitted info is just as sketchy as anywhere else.
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 4 days ago
Small spots and minor damage are nothing to worry about. Why cut leaves off ...........what for?? Your plant NEEDS those leaves to make the energy it needs to grow to her full potential. Less leaves = less energy being made = less potential growth! The biggest leaves are the biggest producers of energy and the biggest contribution to your plants ability to grow and thrive. Soil seems "hot", so no need to fertilize yet, just plain water for now.
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Cerealanswered grow question 4 days ago
Just let it grow and dont start tucking away random leaves that show slightly problematic spots :D maybe you damaged the leave by yourself