
Spült ihr eure Pflanzen vor der Ernte ?

Jens_420started grow question 2 months ago
Wollte das mal fragen, da ich überall andere Meinungen höre. Manche sagen das es nicht nötig ist und manche sagen, man muss es unbedingt machen, weil sonst die Ernte im Arsch ist. Was soll ich nun machen?
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
"Flushing" is for a substrate that has become toxic in such a way that a simple adjustment to fertilizer concentration is not enough to fix the problem. You can do it if you want to be lazy about mixing fertilizer the last week or 2 as long as your canopy is healthy enough to maintain the plant. MEethod of grow will impact how long you can do such a thing, too. Soils tend to have a lot of nutes stored in tem and you can rely on that for 10-14 days, but a soilless context is not fed as high of concentrations and it will more quickly run out of minerals, aka building blocks for all the stuff you want out of a plant, so it's quite important stuff that you should not starve your plant of. flushing or just normal irrigation with plain water will not change what constitutes already developed flower nor developing portions of the flower. that's not how it works and studies prove this obvious fact. Your flower will not be "cleaner". it will have the same mineral content whether yo uflush or not, again proven fact. If you overfed your plant, there's nothign you can do about that at this point and it might impact flavor os smoke in a negative manner. Flushing never, never changes the toxicity levels in the plant. it merely stops more from entering. the plant (inside) remains toxic until the damage is done or it metabolizes the excesss in a normal manner. there is no excretion system in the plant that can rid itself of excess minerals.
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Organomananswered grow question 2 months ago
No need to drown your plants with gallons of water, just stop all nutrients, fertilizers and supplements 10-14 days before your expected harvest day and only give plain water in normal amounts and at normal intervals for those last 10-14 days. The plant will "flush" itself naturally during this time. But yes, for clean flowers and a smoother smoke, stopping all fertilizers 10-14 days before harvest does have benefits, even with organic grows.
Chucky324answered grow question 2 months ago
Hello. Yes, This is my opinion. I still flush. I know I get better quality smoke if I flush But I can taste it if I don't. To me, it's more of a chemical taste or I touch my tongue to my fillings and can feel slight eclectic type of taste, no good. Yes it's a topic around here. Some will tell you, "you don't have to anymore" That you get more if you feed right up till the end. Ask yourself --- Which do I want, Quality --- or --- Quantity If you can't do a 2 week flush at least do a 1 week flush. Your lungs and teeth will thank you. Chuck. When you breath or smoke the oxygen or THC goes straight to your blood stream, so get rid of the chemicals before you smoke it. If you grow organically you don't have to flush. And don't take answers from people with only 1 diary. Hey, How's Ube? Where did he go?
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