outdoor? probably acid rain if it rained lately. In general you want to fertigate every time with a soilless substrate. it should be a 1.3-1.5EC well-balanced feed.
how frequently you fertigate is 100% about how fast it dries which is 100% about what constitutes it -- more perlite means you have to water more frequently, for example. You can safely wait as long as the top layer changing colors. At some point it's too close to causing wilt. Avoid that, obviously. Can experiment to find where that is and recognize how to avoid it, if you feel the need.
if you have a proper nute-balance and fertilizer is not too concentrated, there should be no reason to "flush." the 10% runoff that you should get religiously with a soilless contxt will keep everything at an equilibrium - won't build up or draw down. 20% is even safer in that regard, but you could save a little, but it is good to err over 10% rather than under. you may need to adjust formula based on what you see from the plant, but the substrate maintains a very consistent charge (slgihtly different than what you feed) over time if you do it correctly.
if something extreme happens, then maybe a "reset" flush is in order, but that would be in reaction to catastrophe not minor leaf symptoms.
When you change the formula and give 10-20% runoff, it very quickly changes to new equilibrium from new formula provided... more runoff will hasten that formula changeover, but don't pour so much through that the leaves droop. that's a sign of oxygen deprivation at roots.
so, figure the next few grows you observe and adjust formual.. and after a few grows you should be able to go seed-to-harvest with virtually no leaf symptoms and very happy plants regardless of growing 1 strain or 10. that is a sign of a good fertilizer formula.