
F1 Hybrids

IceeTea31started grow question 17 hours ago
do you guys think f1 hybrid seeds are worth the price? lmk
BigBudGuyanswered grow question 11 hours ago
F1's Rock. Some hybrids can match them if the genetics are good enough.
m0useanswered grow question 12 hours ago
I once knew of a seed bank doing 2-4$ "house" seeds, I feel it was a bunch of the freebies they got and kept from other seed banks they carried, No real idea where this small little store got all these strains and every time i checked they'd have more and more and the brands they normally carried where less n less. Would not think they had the front to get in on white label seed but maybe they are not that pricey. And I just check them out now, no longer stock any other breeders other then their own house brand and its on ave 10$ a seed. They used to have aorund 30 brands 100's of strains and only a handful of house seeds. currently 203 house strains. QA is out the window. Would not recommend.
001100010010011110answered grow question 15 hours ago
where do you get a 10 pack of good seed for 25 dollars? i'm interested in the source, lol.... gotta be fem seeds too. I mean i agree with that in principle. Seed production is SUPER cheap. Tehy are absolutely price gouging us on this product with a 10,000% or greater mark-up from the fractions of a penny it costs to produce. But, i've never seen any of the seed brands seen on this site nor on any of the number of online seed banks i've looked over offer quality seed at 10 for 25 USD. Please, point us in the direction of these vendors with fair prices, @mrsour420.
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MrSour420answered grow question 16 hours ago
Would be nice to know what you pay for them to give you an answer. You can get F1seeds for free. I would only buy from a reputable breeder with solid genetics history. That being said at most i would pay is 25 bucks a 10 pack.
001100010010011110answered grow question 16 hours ago
In my limited experience breeding, i can tell you by far the are the most consitent and robust plants - health and gorwth wise. MAybe there's slightly more variation to it? but that's nice too from my perspective. the f1 i made was superior to both parents in yield and had quality equal to both parents. the flavor can vary slightly from plant to plant but it's still similar. in this case it is a healthy mix of both parents, but i wouldn't expect that to always be true. just not how genetics work. it's not an average... it's a jumbling up and re-organization each generation. When i grew some F1's from sweet seed it was also some of the most vigorous plants i've ever grown. Outcropping plants are highly susceptible to negative effects of inbreeding. Marijuana is an out-cropping plant. Even 1 geneartion has negative effects on robustness. going forward i may breed a sistster with a sister, but the intention wil be to pair it up with something similar of a differnt genetic line to get the similar flavors and qulaity but with the excellent robustness of an F1 when i buy "R" reverse or "S' selfed plants, they are weak and shitty and you hope for a couple out of five to be good in my experience. consitency? it's not worth it if it's a weak plant, in my opinion. your opinion may vary. I don't see "that" much more consistency either, lol.. seems like something that's been repeated so often without any verification but somewow becomes "truth" to the masses.
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