
Why my buds are small in end of week 3 of flowering? Full line biobizz coco base and 2 dose big bud advance and atami bloombastic! No sign of burning eve

Snakekingstarted grow question 3 days ago
Hey everyone This is the end of 3rd week of flower in my unknown genetic, are the buds small and why some of my pistils tips turning brown? I mean is it normal? this one had to be amnesia auto flower this pot has no aroma yet :( I give him full dose biobizz schedule coco base
Week 16
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hello Snakeking, They are NOT small, they look great. They will fatten up for at least another month buddy. At the end she will give you big fat juicy buds to harvest! Happy Growing! 💚
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Selected By The Grower
modmyplantsanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hey, she is pushing buds and is far from finish. For the current state your plant looks very good. The plant pushes pistils first and then fills the space with bud. Then another pistil-wave comes up, this goes on and on till maturing, mostly 2-3waves. They probably just start to fatten up now. Dont worry about it, The next days/week you will see the development in budsize Happy Growing buddy, they will come out big 👌
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001100010010011110answered grow question 3 days ago
just wanted to reiterate in more clear aterms -- no product causes "big buds" you either keep a plant healthy and hapapy or you don't. Genetics is the determinant of potential bud size. you shouldn't think it is a matter of buying the right products. It's not in your control outside of the basics of maintaining a plant.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 3 days ago
wow really? you used a product called big bud and it's not causing big buds? but it has a cartoon graphic on the front, right? Okay, jokes aside... It's 3 weeks. rate of development varies, but this is normal for 3 weeks and you really can't be sure of bud size at this point. If it stops adding new pistils/calyxes, then you can fret over an average yielding plant. pistil turning brown is way too early -- is a fan directly pointed at it? was it pollinated? you should be investigating for a cause and hope it's environmental or a 1-off oddity. if it was a selfed plant, expect it to be a little less robust than its parent... so if the parent has a meh yielder, this will be even less than that.
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 days ago
It looks like it’s a sativa dominant strain. They can take much longer to flower. Plus sativa buds typically are smaller compared to an indica. Also each plant is its own being. Some strains are just fatter than others. Just like human some people are skinny and some are fat. But I wouldn’t stress too much about it. It will be what it will be and there’s no sense in looking at other people’s grows and compare your buds to theirs. Conditions, genetics, environment all play a factor. I had a Pineapple skunk that didn’t really make big flowers in the first few weeks. By the end she got so fat that she couldn’t even hold herself up. So it may not look like much now but give it time man. They will come around. Just accept your plants for what they are. At the end of the day she will do what she does and there’s not a whole lot you can do to change that.
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