Read "to defoliate or not..." on
Their grow guides and articles in dr photon's corner all all solid information mostly devoid of bro-science. they admit when they are unsure of things related to their recommendations. It's refreshing to see.
lolipopping can reduce the amount of larf you get but don't expect that to be made up with bigger buds up above. It usually results in a lesser yield but might improve proprotion of good buds vs not so great buds (larf).
defoliation -- almost always a bad idea. Leaves are solar panels, lungs and production centers. Even when shielded they are value-added to the plant. Reducing CO2 intake is probably one of the most profounding negative things you can do to the plant.
The products of photosynthesis are highly mobile. The sugars and minerals are produced and pumped into phloem. Apical dominance dicates where this is used the most -- i.e. higher positions on plant and related to 'order' of branching too.. (primary, secondary etc...). ony any single branch, the top dominates. Where light hits does not dictate where the products of photosynthesis are used.
If you haven't overcrowded, light penetration should be more than enough as is. This stuff is covered in varous guides and articles on I strongly suggest you read them all as time allows. Sometimes you may even read them twice if you don't have an educational foundation to help. Not everyone takes a bunch of bio and chem classes because there is no need to. it's not a criticism, merely a fact.