Unfortunately WPM (white powdery mildew).
I'm unfortunately rather familiar with it and as 001101010101010101 said, almost anything you do now will make it worse.
You can wet your finger and wipe the spot to slow spores from spreading, but once it is in your plant, it is in.
Don't smoke any flower with it on.
In future, you can use bio sulphur to stop or slow it from taking hold. I do a soil drench with a light sulpur mix very early on in veg and a foliar spray as I flip to flower.
Temperature fluctuations can help it and is why it often comes toward the end of season as the nights cool, but days are still warm.
Good airflow can also help slow it from taking hold, but once it's in, you are in damage control mode.
If it wants your plant, it will take it, so I have been experimenting with different genetics that are more resistant to it.
Also, plucking leaves is not the best thing to do as you open up wounds on the plant for more spores to enter, it's already in the plant, but having multiple new sites for it to enter is not the best.
If you do pluck, do it early in the day so it can dry asap.