
Seeds in buds? | flushing now?

MrBananastarted grow question 4 days ago
I’ve two questions: Did my fear of getting hermies again (and again) come true? The buds look like as if there were huge seeds inside. The 2nd: should I get the nutrients out of the soil now? I always use rainwater for that and can’t do it more sophisticated with measuring asf
Week 11
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 4 days ago
I agree with Organoman. Buds look normal and unseeded to me and way too early to start a flush. Your buds aren't even finished bulking up. Most flower cycles are 8 to 12 weeks, you're 3 weeks in and have minimum 5 weeks to go. Stopping now would be stopping feeding a 25yr old man because he's done growing... don't do that! :P
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Organomananswered grow question 4 days ago
If there were seeds in the buds you pictured, the pistils would be well and truly brown by now........I do not think you have anything to be worried about, they certainly do not look seeded to me. You still have a while to go, starting a "flush" now would be a bit too early in my opinion.
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