
Zamnesia Runtz photoperiodisch

4 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 11
12 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
MrBanana MrBanana
4 months ago
In den letzten Wochen konnte die Luftfeuchtigkeit mit zwei kleinen Trocknern gesenkt werden. Es sind sehr viele Fruchtfliegen, die mit Gelbstickern kaum erfolgreich zu eliminieren waren. -Nächstes Mal: Nematoden Ich habe jetzt das Düngen eingestellt, nachdem ich bei der angegebenen Höchstdosis angelangt war. Frage mich, ob ich jetzt spülen sollte. Meine „Paranoia“ bezüglich Hermaphroditismus hat sich wahrscheinlich bestätigt, oder? „Bananen“ hatte ich keine erkannt. Es gab auch sonst keine Pollensäcke. Aber nun sehen die Blüten alle aus, als enthielten sie schöne dicke Samen… ?!? Die rechte Pflanze braucht länger, immer blöd wenn dann im selben Zelt getrocknet wird und mit Karton gearbeitet werden muss
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Grow Questions
MrBananastarted grow question 6 months ago
Hi. What do u think about the length - or appearance in general - of the seedlings‘ stems?
AsNoriuanswered grow question 6 months ago
they look ok, would not stress about anything at the moment.
Organomananswered grow question 6 months ago
Bit too long........move your light closer.
m0useanswered grow question 6 months ago
They are a bit longer then I like to see, When this happens and they stretch a lot its from lack of light "density" and wind. Light helps tell the seedling where it is in the world and less strong/dense light means its not in a good spot and they need to stretch to get to better lighting and wind helps it strengthen the trunk so it does not snap from stretching to much. Support them with a skewer or stick till they get bigger or slowly give them a gentle breeze so they can build up strength and give them more light to prevent the excess stretching. Good Luck!
MrBananastarted grow question 6 months ago
Ich bin unsicher mit dem Geschlecht und mit dem Größenwachstum. Wachsen sie nicht zu langsam? Und: Meine letzten drei Ernten waren Zwitter :-(. Könnt Ihr Profis schon das Geschlecht erkennen? Dritte Frage: zeigen die Blätter Mangelerscheinungen?
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modmyplantsanswered grow question 5 months ago
Das Geschlecht ist noch nicht erkennbar und das Wachstum der letzten 2 Wochen ganz okay. Umtopfen verlangsamt das Ganze. Außerdem könntest du die Wassermenge versuchen zu erhöhen, dass kann den Wachstum natürlich beschleunigen, aber pass auf nicht zu viel zu gießen. Sonst hast du den gegenseitigen Effekt. Lichtmenge passt auf jeden Fall. Die Schäden sind sehr niedrig und daher keine Mangelerscheinungen bestimmter Nutrients. Ich denke mal sie hatten eine kurze Trockenphase und untere Blätter kannibalisiert, um gesund zu bleiben. Wenn du Zwitter hat würde ich sie nicht unbedingt direkt wegschmeißen, wenn du die pflanzen regelmäßig kontrollierst, kannst du das managen. Die blüten brauchen ca 2-4 Wochen bis sie deine Pflanzen bestäuben, solange hast du zeit sie zu entfernen. Besonders, wenn es deine einzigen Pflanzen sind und nicht die Gefahr besteht das sie dir mehrere Quadratmeter Ernte bestäuben. Happy Growing Mate!
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 6 months ago
Hello MrBanana, Can not see the sex yet, need to start the flowering phase first. They grow great! Nice thick stem and large fan leaves. No there are NOT deficiencies visible. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 6 months ago
No preflowers, yet, so you can't sex it using your eyes. if you are consistently getting herms, it could very well be self-inflicted. Ensure there are no light leaks during dark cycle -- it must be uninterrupted. Personal incredulity is irrelevant to the plant. i'd stop foliar spraying or whatever caused that standing water on your leaf. That's just a disease vector waiting to happen. LEaves look fine, but that's not hard early on. You see the ramifications of your fertilization methods after weeks and months... if it's a good equilibrium with growth, then you avoid buildups and deficiencies.. if you see these things that means the ratio or overall concentration of the nutes of out of balance relative to growth rate. the faster this stuff becomes apparent, the bigger the adjustment should be. That damage on lowest leaf may or may not be relevant. it oculd be too close to soil or touching it. even if not touching it the RH could be higher and impace transpiration of that 1 leaf etc etc.. plus it is older growth. The plant will sometimes shed shielded leaves. So, i'd watch how that damage progresses before reacting to it. If it never goes beyond that leaf, it's nothng to be concerned about. slim chance it's related to potassium being a bit low, but that would spread and move up the plant (mobile nutes start at bottom and progress upward)
MrBananastarted grow question 5 months ago
Hi this looks strange. I haven’t seen it like that before. What is it? Hopefully don’t become male?? The ladies haven’t a strong smell and a short bushy shape… Irritating.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 5 months ago
Looks normal. Zero signs of sex showing, yet, so you have a 50% chance of being correct. smell in vege isn't always strong and doesn't mean it'll be non-aromatic in flower.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 5 months ago
I agree with sweetberry. Only the bracts have formed so far, the bracts are the thin blades at the base of the leaf stem. There’s nothing visible to say male of female yet.
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 5 months ago
Hello MrBanana, Nothing weird to see on this picture buddy! The small lumps that you see are just the connection points between main stem and branches. The plant is preparing herself for heavy load buds on the branches. So she can provide you with big, fat and juicy buds! Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
MrBananastarted grow question 4 months ago
I’ve two questions: Did my fear of getting hermies again (and again) come true? The buds look like as if there were huge seeds inside. The 2nd: should I get the nutrients out of the soil now? I always use rainwater for that and can’t do it more sophisticated with measuring asf
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 4 months ago
I agree with Organoman. Buds look normal and unseeded to me and way too early to start a flush. Your buds aren't even finished bulking up. Most flower cycles are 8 to 12 weeks, you're 3 weeks in and have minimum 5 weeks to go. Stopping now would be stopping feeding a 25yr old man because he's done growing... don't do that! :P
Organomananswered grow question 4 months ago
If there were seeds in the buds you pictured, the pistils would be well and truly brown by now........I do not think you have anything to be worried about, they certainly do not look seeded to me. You still have a while to go, starting a "flush" now would be a bit too early in my opinion.

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MrBananacommentedweek 66 months ago
Wow you guys are great!! Thanks a lot! You don’t feel that lonely anymore with these little babies ;-) with some valid help on this platform. 👍🏻 i always tend to be too critic. Bless Yah for dope! :-)
MrBananacommented5 months ago
@modmyplants, Danke, habe ich mir auch irgendwie gedacht. Das Wurzelwachstum scheint ganz okay zu sein, bei den großen Töpfen schauen sie schon raus und die Gelbsticker sind nicht mehr ganz so voller Fliegen. Diese kleine Menge Neem einmalig soll es dann gewesen sein. Das nächste Mal bestelle ich SF Nematoden.
modmyplantscommented5 months ago
@MrBanana, Hey, ich würde von Neem abraten und zu SF-Nematoden greifen. Kleine Bakterien die die Larven essen, sich in ihnen vermehren und mehr Larven essen. Wichtig ist nur die Familie, muss SF sein. Neem ist schon ziemlich aggressiv und das nicht nur für Kleintiere. In anderen Ländern ist es in Verbindung mit Lebensmittelpflanzen verboten. Sieht aber alles super aus, lass dich nicht verunsichern! Das wächst schon👍
resi_maxcommentedweek 06 months ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
MrBananacommented6 months ago
@resi_max, thanks
Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 26 months ago
Happy growing 💙🌱!
MrBananacommentedweek 26 months ago
Hey guys thanks for your opinion on that and the (even) long comments! 🙏🏻 good to have some competent help growing. 😊 I set the growledex 150W on 70cm, bit lower than before. The ventilation is running (indirectly) and the stems vibrate a little. Think it will be fine 👋
MrBananacommentedweek 114 months ago
Thanks @shinsemilla and @organoman! I’ve never had my buds with so full round flowers but hey 🤗 let’s see and relax… I will harvest the left one soon, though leaves are still green yet the most oft the hairs gotten amber
MrBananacommentedweek 75 months ago
Thanks guys again for your answers! You’re great. I will be patient and looking forward how my plants develop.