
Hi guys My city suffer with dry season, the daily...

tonydosreisstarted grow question 13 hours ago
Hi guys My city suffer with dry season, the daily humidity ~20%. I bought an air humidifier, but they not delivery yet. What the frequency irrigation you guys indicate, and how many liters for a 7l pot? The foliar extremity indicate something? (Last photo)
001100010010011110answered grow question 11 hours ago
you irrigate the same way as always. get entire thing wet, wait for top layer to dry, repeat. it'll just be a bit more frequent if your VPD is high due to increased transpiration which increases rate of roots taking in water. If it wilts at all, irrigate slightly sooner. Also if soilless you get 10% runoff, religiously. with soil a little runoff ensures you got the whole pot wet. if not doing it like this you have been doing it wrong. Not trying to be mean, but doing it right avoids a ton of potential problems. nobody can give you a specific answer. it simply results from what constitutes your substrate and temp/rh conditions. Also, if you do it like the above, it doesn't matter one bit how the environment changes... you simply react to the top layer starting to dry. nothing else matters.
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 5 hours ago
What 0011 wrote is good advice. Water the entire pot until water comes out the bottom of the pot. Once the top of the soil is dry again 3-5cm down, repeat. Burnt tips in last picture is a sign of over feeding, or not watering to run off each time, causing a build up of fertilizer salts. A humidifier outdooors won;t do anything to help.
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Green_clawsanswered grow question 8 hours ago
Silica or supplement co2 to help with stress conditions, heat/cold/humidity these will help to some point. Always wet and dry to feed. S
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