I don't think that's a ca or mg symptom -- these are 2 molecules with unique symptoms, neither of which i see in your leaves.
Definitely looks like some pests could be suckling your leaves. Some are very small and you need to use a magnifying glass of some sort to easily see them. Inspect under leaves for eggs. Look for insect "scat". Webbing would be present if it is spider mites, too.
If you are 100% certain, could be some genetic mutation or virus on the plant. Could be some veriegation that plant exhibits... variegation is usually harmless, but i wouldn't be ssurprised of some variations of it fuck with photosynthesis potential of the plant. Since it isn't really uniform, i'd still lean toward pests chewing on your leaves. A virus would be quite rare and impossible to be certain of simply by looking at the plant... you'd need a lab to test plant tissue.
Over time i've had a plant or two exhibit some odd growth and spots and it had nothing to do with nutrients or pH of substrate. No idea if it was a mutation or virus.. doesn't matter.. the plant grew like shit whatever it was. That is the key.. is it growing well or not? double-down on inspection for pests because that (pests) most definitely will have a negative impact on the plant.