Growth is slow, slow, slow, ludicrous speed! It's a curve that gets steeper (to a point). It always seems slow early on. Take some notes at 7 days and 14 days etc and you can compare in future. you'll see it's fairly consistent for most plants.
your "day 1" in diary is clearly not day 1. You are fibbing a bit on the age of all 3 plants to differeing degrees, lol. A "day one" plant doesn't have 2 full sets of leaves (including coty). Simply doesn't pop out of the seed like that, lol.
You've measured from the taint on all of these and asking if they are too small? I don't kow if you are fucking around or just insecure enough to do such a thing fishing for a positive response?
These are all 3-7 days older than listed, i'd put money on it.