
Cutting bigger sun sails at automatic plants in flowering phase

Caulistarted grow question 2 days ago
Can somebody help me. I am very unsure if i should cut some of the bigger sun sails to provide smaller buds with more light? Maybe it's already too late? And i have read when growing automatics and outdoor, you should never cut bigger leaves. Any opinions?
Week 8
GrowerOGanswered grow question 15 hours ago
Hello mate, for first with an automatics you don't need to do many trainings, even more so if you did it outdoor. You could do the defoliation at any time but take on mind that more big fan leaves you take away more energy the plant will spend to do another one so you must do this thing with a lot of care. In the first weeks of flowering you may do the pruning (or lollipopping) the lower part of the plant to give the best energy in the upper part of the plants that takes more light. In your situation i would let the plant go its own way. Good luck and happy journey!
Hashyanswered grow question 2 days ago
Looking at your diary she seems to be doing fine, I'd leave her alone and let her do her thing.
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Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
Those big "sun sails" are making the energy the plant needs to grow those buds. Defoliation should only really occur if there is a massive problem with high humidity in an enclosed space. It should never be required outdoors. Just remember........ Less leaves = less energy being made = less potential growth. Besides, if your plant would not need those leaves, it would not grow them in the first place!
RickSanchezanswered grow question 2 days ago
with autoflowers you should always try, to avoid as much stress as possible. so if not necessary don't cut. same is for outdoors, since both types of grow are more dependent of time. with indoor photoperiodic plants you have more control about, when your plants begins to flower, so thats why people say you can cut them. best of luck 🌱💚
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001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
The products of photosynthesis are highly mobile and apical dominance dictates where it gets most used - not where the light hits. leaves do several other important behaviours not related to light absorption. Don't remove them unless some overlap is causing constant standing water on leaves (condensation). Severe congestion is another similar reason, but proper training should avoid that. even less reason to remove leaves outdoors. They get awesome light from nearly all angles, not just from above. Whether it is an auto or photoperiod is irrelevant to the above suggestion.
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Shigganswered grow question 2 days ago
I would leave them.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 2 days ago
If you’re talking about your sensi skunk. No don’t take anything off. She’s already pretty thin to begin with. Just leave your sun sails.
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