
Hello all

Antosarristarted grow question 2 days ago
Hi all. I posted about a month ago I'm really new to growing and I've grown on window cill. Should you say she ready to harvest. Yeah I know she small. And unfortunately I haven't kept a diary. As everything was on my old phone and broke it so I don't even remember when I planted
Ultravioletanswered grow question 2 days ago
Looks 👍
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IvyGrowsanswered grow question 2 days ago
"When" to harvest can vary on opinion but most people judge the harvest window off of the trichomes. Do you have a jewelers loop or a camera that can take a closer look at the trichomes? If the trichomes appear to be clear or glass like, it is not ready. If the trichomes appear to be all cloudy or white, that is when THC is at its highest and you will get a mostly head high. If the trichomes appear to be more amber, that means the plant is at it most mature stage and you will get more of a body high. Its all based on what kind of high you desire. I usually harvest when the trichomes are mostly cloudy or white with some amber about 80/20.
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Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
Yep, she is ready. Harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labors!
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Mooncatanswered grow question 2 days ago
Thats actually pretty decent for a windowgrow 😄 Looks about done. 👍
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Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 2 days ago
The key to knowing when to harvest your plant is to study the trichomes. You'll want some type of magnification. A jeweler's loope or digital microscope are best but you can get by with a magnifying glass. Check your buds in multiple areas and look at the color of your trichomes- clear=under ripe, cloudy=fully ripe, amber=little past ripe, grey=severely over ripened. It will look like a mix of 2 or 3 of these, it's up to you to decide what the majority is and chop based off the effect you want.
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Organic_Ganswered grow question 2 days ago
You dont need any information than the maturety of your trichomes. Do you have a magnifier (20-100x) you can Check the colour of the trichomes. 20% amber 80% milky For a energizing high 40%amber 60% milly For an stoned couchlock stoned… But it looks ready to me from the picture you have added. Even when harvest now you will still get an smokabel flower thats gonna hit