
Stretch problem or strains?

psykoacoustiksstarted grow question 3 hours ago
I don’t know if is the strains or a stretch problem. Is the first time that i try automatic and the first plant photoperiod give me more leaves!
Week 5
MindFlowers68answered grow question 2 hours ago
Honestly i wouldnt bother transplanting. if you were in a fabric pot I'd say go for it and cut it off but you are in a hard pot. its not going to be worth it and ay ruin the plant
MindFlowers68answered grow question 2 hours ago
In general, I think photoperiods are better because you can decide how long to veg. I think you didn't get more veg growth on this plant because of your container size. Once autofowers hit the side of the container, they are like "shit, I better start flowering now, or else I may not have any offspring" Also that's not a terrible plant, and for the size of your tent, you should get a decent yield and the quality should be really good if you keep up the good work. People say not to transplant autos, but it is already flowering. If you are careful you could pot it up to something maybe double the size and increase your yield that way beings you can't veg it anymore. If you had a bigger pot to start with I think you may have been able to veg your plant a little longer. Everything Kenn0rphan is saying is good information as well.
m0useanswered grow question 2 hours ago
Each seed even from the same pack are not identical. Think of them like brothers and sisters. they resemble their parents but are not twins or clones of said parents. Some seeds have a better lock on their variance others do not. With that said the environment in which they are grown matters as well. Not enough light or wind/air movement can make a tall lengthy plant that is prone to toppling over from the weight of its self. Add on the last wild card to the mix is that autoflowers and photoperiods are not the same and are very different in terms of growth. Autos do whatever they want and are susceptible to early flower from stressors. Whereas photoperiods do not do this. You control when they flower as long as they are mature around week 4 or 5 and can handle alot of abuse with relatively no issues as that control of when to flip to flower allows them time to bounce back in good health. Look up the lighting map "PPFD" for your light and tent. Try and get used to providing a standard PPFD "raising and lowering lights to plats height" The light gets stronger the closer to it you get. and weaker the further away. this can be measured in a significant way even inside a smaller grow room. For my lights its 30" hang height from canopy, my old lights was 12" and another light I used was around 3" They are all different. Good Luck!
Kenn0rphananswered grow question 2 hours ago
Hello! An auto is going to auto-transition into flower. Which it appears your plant has already done and is actually in flower rather than veg. So there are two observations I can share with you from your diary. 1. During the initial flowering stage, plants will 'stretch' and gain significant height. This stretch is dependent on your environment and genetics. Some genetics will certainly stretch more than others. 2. 100W at the lamp to plant distances is a bit weak. This will encourage your plant to gain more vertical height in order to reach the light level desired. This can be mitigated by carefully controlling the lamp to plant distance to achieve some target PPFD. That target PPFD could be different from strain to strain and can be chosen to help limit height in the future