
Best way to keep steady humidity for seedling in tent without in-line fan

Y_d_a_7started grow question 11 hours ago
Should we extract some air outside of the tent by keeping it open and using a little dome on her to keep a more steady humidity? Right now there is no forced air exchange apart from the small fan inside and the pot itself is saturating the tent with humidity.
Legendaryseedthumbanswered grow question 10 hours ago
I would use a little grow box for seedling and put it inside ur tent. It will hold 70%+ rh all the time. Otherwise you use a humidifier!! But don’t use ur carbon filter if you use tap water! You need RO water without any calcium magnesium in the water. Because the carbon filter will stop working it will get full of white powder trust me I’ve done it before! It’s the best way! Then you need a hygrostat! You just plug the humidifier in it and choose the wanted RH% and it does the work for you! Or you buy a humidifier from spider farm or mars hydro they have good ones but expensive then u don’t need a hygrostat. So you need equipment to keep the right conditions you wont be able to control it without. Trust me it’s very hard to keep the rh down where I live it’s very humid!
Selected By The Grower
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 9 hours ago
You'll want an extraction fan if you want to grow inside a tent. You think humidity is hard to control with a seedling, wait until you have larger plants in full veg, lol. Don't bother with domes with a seedling, the fresh air is way more beneficial than humid air. Unless you live in a particularly arid environment, typical "room temp" normals are fine. High humidity environments are much more important with clone cuttings than seedlings. I veg plants in the 40-50% range frequently, without any complaints. High humid environments tend to grow molds and algae so keep that in mind too.
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 10 hours ago
A humidifier set to around 75-80 percent humidity! As mentioned you still need to bring fresh air in so an inline fan is a must for growing in a tent. Brings fresh co2/oxygen and cool air to help cool down the lights and maintain a good environment. Unless you live in a high-humidity area,its going to be hard to keep a good humidity for a seedling without one. They are relatively cheap. They are a pain in the ass to take care of though. you really should be cleaning it once a week. I will admit I don't. maybe every month or sometimes more. You wanna take care of your stuff the best you can. once you are in veg, you may not need it. But I use my humidifiers ironicly for drying my buds most of the time to keep it right around 60 percent while they dry. So its not a bad investment.i have like 4 now lol
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 10 hours ago
An extraction fan isn’t just for getting air out. It’s also to bring fresh air in as well. A small fan inside doesn’t provide an air exchange. That just means there’s a breeze of stagnant air in your tent. Also the sensor for the hygrometer is on the back of the device and you have it pretty much in the dirt. You’re getting false readings of what the RH actually is inside the tent. I would invest in an in-line fan to extract air and passively bring air in.
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