
Brown spots on leaves during early veg

Wo0dlystarted grow question a day ago
Plants show brown spots on multiple leaves. Looks similar to a calcium deficiency. Any ideas? Plants are about 3 weeks old since germination and have been repotted a few days ago. Watered in with a EWC tea + very small amount of alfalfa/kelp mix, bat guano and root juice.
MindFlowers68answered grow question 20 hours ago
I think she may have too much Pottasium and that's locking out calcium at the moment. You can add some cal mag in with your next watering and they will help the plant get some. She should grow out of it once you water it a few times, the extra nutrients should run out a little
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Selected By The Grower
Legendaryseedthumbanswered grow question 16 hours ago
My friend you need much npk in your feeding. A stronger nutrition mix dosage then you give right now and your plant will get more green. And I would recommend adding a little bit of CALMAG in it as well. The brow spots is from calmag deficiency! You can also spray your damaged leaves with some calmag for extra recovery. Good luck my friend and may the buds be with you
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BlocZanswered grow question 17 hours ago
It is a P or K overfattening ✌️
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