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Who is the liar?

Bongkaistarted grow question 3 months ago
GMO fast, ist angegeben mit Ernte im SEPTEMBER (nicht ende Oktober). Wenn die Sorte aber erst im September anfängt Blüten zu bilden, wer ist dann der Lügner? Dutch Passion, hat die Kommunikation eingestellt und behauptet das es nicht sein kann. Die Bilder sagen etwas anderes!
m0useanswered grow question 3 months ago
I think the more accurate estimate would be this, from their webpage on the product, despite it being in the indoor guide for it, it will be the same for outdoor. " harvest around 7-8 weeks after flipping the cannabis light cycle " Its all based on when the plant enters its flowering phase. and it will be 7-8 weeks after it flips. External light sources can mess this up. so flood lights, street lamps, flashlights, motion detector lamps. My outdoors had so much light pollution I can only grow autos outside or they all hermi and don't grow well. Fast just mean it can finish a week or two earlier then regular not fast plants. Its a gimmick and not worth buying IMO. Just grow autos at that point, they finish early regarldess of lightcycle.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 3 months ago
You bought seeds, not a full life support that tells you how to breath. I would probably also, after the snapshot of your behaviour i got here, just silence you😂
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 3 months ago
It depends a lot on where you are and how much light the plants get. The further north you are, the earlier it will start to flower, but can also depend on if it's on the north side of your house in the northern hemisphere and has the days cut short from shade. In the southern hemisphere, the season is completely opposite, and we harvest in April/May. Some years it can be a bit earlier or a bit later in the same location. There is a lot of variables growing outdoors and the specs of the plant should be taken as a guideline, not gospel.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 3 months ago
The ones taking your money, obviously... Just as "fast flowering" cliams are mostly lies. They all do it. Breeders lie about how long it takes and how much it will yield. Light producers will lie about their techinical details of the light. Fertilzer producers blow smoke up your ass about what their products can do.
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Organic_Ganswered grow question 3 months ago
Du musst großes Glück haben damit du die Pflanzen noch durch bekommst bei dem kack Wetter in Deutschland, ich bezweifele es schon fast außer die Sorte ist Schimmel resistent, dann wäre es ggf machbar
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Organic_Ganswered grow question 3 months ago
Jede Seedbank schmückt deren Angaben immer, ganz klar wer die Lügner sind… da die Samenbank Holländisch ist sind die Outdoor Bedingungen ziemlich identisch zu Deutschland daher müssten die Angaben unter ähnlichen Bedingungen gemacht sein, aber letzt endlich entscheidet die Pflanze selbst wann Sie für sich selbst merkt wann die Sonnenphase zum Ende kommt. Was lernen wir daraus? Vertraue niemals Angaben von Seedbanks, nutze diese nur grob als Anhaltspunkte… am Ende des Tages stellt die Pflanze sich auf einen Lebenszyklus ein, der von der Sonnenintensität und der Sonnenverfügbarkeit geprägt wird, wenn die Pflanze z.b. im September / Oktober noch viel Sonne bekommen hat, hat sie noch nicht verstanden das der Winter anfangen wird und die hormonelle Veränderung kommt entsprechend zu spät
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Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 3 months ago
When growing outdoors your flowering times/harvest period will largely be dictated upon where you live, aka how and when light cycles change enough to promote flowering. Especially if you're growing a sativa dominant strain with a long flowering time, you gotta keep those sort of factors in mind. You're right that your plant still has quite a ways to go but that doesn't make Dutch Passion a "liar" either.